February 7, 2022

Likes & Dislikes

I shamelessly stole this idea from Billie Jo @ Afternoon Coffee and Evening Tea

Things I like...

...warm, chocolate-chip cookies...

...laughing until you can't breathe and your side hurts...

...being the first one to stick a knife in the new jar of peanut butter...

...the silence of an evening snowfall...

...a new purse...

...shopping on Amazon...

...walking on the beach at sunrise...

...fuzzy socks in the winter...

...flip-flops in the summer...

...garlic salt on my pizza...

...sugar on my tomatoes...

...that moment when children discover something new...

...bed sheets dried in the sunshine...

...sleeping with the fan blowing all year round.

And things I don't ...

...drivers who assume it is always them first...

...folding laundry...

...parking meters...

...being the first to arrive...

...the aches, pains, and other assorted bumps in the road as we age...

...being rejected by my adult child...

...how many friends I have who have been rejected by their adult child...

...being an introvert...


...any kind of nut...

...having my heart set on eating a particular leftover, only to find someone else has already eaten it...

...my cat's kleptomaniacal tendencies...

...tornado weather...

...and people who are so determined to be right about everything, they don't care how they make others feel.


  1. I agree, smiles. I hope you have a beautiful day, friend.

  2. That peanut butter jar thing, it's real! Laughing until it hurts is a favorite with me too, but mine usually comes upon me at inappropriate times...once I laughed my head off through an entire funeral service, and it was not funny at all. I had to bend over and pretend I was sobbing. The leftover thing too, ha, not long ago I was thinking and thinking about that last piece of homemade chicken pot pie...nope. Thanks for sharing this! (chocolate chip cookies are better when they're completely cold, in my humble opinion).

    1. I knew I couldn't be the only one who finds being the first one in the peanut butter jar oddly satisfying! We will have to agree to disagree about the chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What a fun theme! I may shamelessly do the same one of these days!
    I like how you've chosen many things outside the obvious. The extraordinary, ordinary!

    1. Go for it, Myra! I'm actually thinking of making it a sort of regular thing.

  4. That is a fun theme. I'm glad you "stole" it. *grin* Your list was fun except ...
    So sorry about the rejection. I pray it's temporary. The older I get, the more I want my Mother. I lost her when I was 10. I hope the Adult Child will realize how important you both are soon before it's too late. ((hugs))
    Laughter is a great release, isn't it?! I like laughing until I can't breathe too. And I hope I never make others feel small. I pray about that a lot. I do tend to get passionate about some things, like, our Liberties. *blush*
    Love & Prayers To You All xx

    1. I am praying, too. There are so many things in play, but our God is mighty and bigger than any problem out there! Since I've been at my new church I am a lot more mindful of my words, I think. Our pastor is awesome and probably the closest person I've ever met to finding that balance between letting someone know something is a sin and showing them love at the same time. He is a great example.

  5. Fun and interesting post. I have often thought that you and I have a lot in common - if I lived a lot closer to LaTrobe, We would go out to lunch and talk about "stuff." I bet we would find that we agree on more than we disagree on! Hope you have a good afternoon and evening!

    1. I think we have a lot in common, too, Deb. It would be fun to do lunch if we lived closer together. I hope the rest of your week is blessed!

  6. You dont like any kind of nut??? I literally am sitting here eating a nut combo thing...mmm... walnuts, almonds & sunflower seeds...mmmm...
    Shopping on amazon - YES YES YES - I've been shopping all day looking for some things.

    1. Nope. None. I want to. I try to, but it's just not happening. I think it's a texture thing because I love peanut butter and almond milk. But nuts just skeeve me out something awful.

  7. Yay!! Someone else I know likes sugar on tomatoes!! A new purse - always! Shopping on Amazon - so easy/too easy! I enjoyed reading your likes and dislikes! Hope you enjoy the rest of your week! xo

    1. I think the sugar must be an old-fashioned thing...and maybe a northern thing? I don't know that I've ever run into anyone who did it that wasn't from this region of the country.

  8. Yay! This was fun! I am so glad to get to know you better, my friend. Would you believe I like all of your likes?!?! Well, except the fan. I don't like the noise. Steve sleeps with a sound machine and I have to wear my earbuds with music just so I don't hear it! But everything else? The peanut butter thing! Yes!!! Amazon? Yes!!! Loved this post, Stacy!

    1. I didn't use to like the fan, but then my hubby started using it and now I can't sleep when it's off because it's too quiet and I hear every little sound.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes