February 5, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Colbert's Questions

These are the 15 questions that
Stephen Colbert asks his guests.

1. The Best sandwich. A classic BLT on toasted bread with mayo.

2.  Something you own that you really should throw out. So many things, but I will say the cowboy hat in my closet. I bought it for a country concert years ago. I love it. It's a really good looking hat...but the reality is that I'm never going to wear it again.

3.  The scariest animal. There are two that I am terrified of, but I don't think I could choose which one I'm more scared of so it will have to be a tie between snakes and sharks.

4.  Apples or oranges. I like both. It depends on my mood.

5.  Have you ever tried to get an autograph from someone? I have tried and succeeded with more than one person. I don't know what happened to some of them, but at one time I had, among others...Olympic gymnast Cathy Rigby, David Eisenhower, Toby Keith, Senator John Heinz, Ronald Reagan, and quite a few of the 70's Steelers.

6.  What happens when you die? You either go to heaven or hell.

7.  Favorite Action movie. It will forever and always be Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

8.  Window or Aisle?  Usually the window, but it might depend on who is sitting by me.

9.  Favorite smell. The beach...sand, ocean, sun screen...all of it.

10.  Your most popular app on your phone.
I hate to admit it, but it's Facebook and solitaire is a close second.

11.  Least favorite smell. Over-ripe roadkill on a hot summer day.

12.  Cats or dogs?
I have one of each. They both have their charms and their annoying habits, so I guess it's a tie.

13.  If you can only listen to one song over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  I would be torn between my favorite hymn, How Great Thou Art, and my favorite fun song, Piano Man.

14.  What number am I thinking of? (I will answer honestly)

15.  The rest of your life in 5 words. Enjoying it and doing good.

Thanks to Bev for the questions.

Join the fun at Sunday Stealing!


  1. Oh yes, I forgot the beach. My hubby met President Bush Sr. back in the 80's. I love How Great Thou Art! Happy Sunday Stacy!

  2. Keep the hat. It has good memories attached to it. I bet it looks good atop your new sleek do.

  3. I love Raiders. I think I wore out a couple of videotapes back in the day, watching it. It's a classic for sure. Now I have it on Vudu.

  4. My favorite apps are same as yours. I don't PLAN to ever fly again but sitting on the aisle makes for some mighty fine people watching! Happy Sunday, Stacy!

  5. I like a BLT also. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.


  6. A good BLT would be just the ticket. I enjoyed your answers.
    I hope the rest of your day is wonderful.
    Blessings. xx

  7. Our son used to say, "Heaven is real, so that means Hell is too." Yep. So, yes choose our Lord and Savior, period. For by grace, you are saved by/through Faith.

    ANYWAYS, always enjoy your answers, smiles.

  8. Hats are good. I refuse to put Facebook on my cellphone. I use it on the desktop. That's enough.

  9. Your favorite smell is indeed a good one. I love the smell of original (SPF 4) coppertone and I have been known to open the car window as soon as we get in "smelling distance" from the beach . . .just to smell!

  10. Great answers...I'm a window seat person, mostly because my hubby is so tall he needs to be on the aisle seat, so I usually end up either in middle or the window depending upon the row we are in. Haven't flown in a long time now, however. Not sure I want to. Wouldn't want to wear a mask that long. I love BLT's. The smell of the beach...makes me think of Coppertone suntan lotion from my childhood. That brings back some sweet memories. Oh yes, heaven or hell...that's for sure! one or other, we do get to choose, so choose wisely!! Have a great week.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes