February 4, 2022

Saturday 9: Lady of Spain

Saturday 9: Lady of Spain (1952)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

1) The lyrics refer to serenading "caballeros," which is Spanish for "gentlemen." Can you say anything to us in Spanish this morning?  Si. Buenos dias. Que pasa?
2) Eddie Fisher sings that he's loved this lady since he first saw her. Do you believe in love at first sight?  Yes, I think it can happen, but that one needs to be careful to know the difference between love and physical attraction.
3) He was drafted and served a year in Korea. Then he spent the rest of his active duty period as vocalist for the Army Band, performing on military bases. (He was still technically PFC Edwin Fisher when he recorded this.) Did you ever play with a band? If so, what instrument?  Hahahahaha! That would be a no. Zero musical talent going on here. I did play in a handbell choir when I was in 6th grade (every girl had to). I got around my lack of talent by learning to count the notes and having the teacher mark my notes. I managed fairly well that way.

4) From 1953 to 1957, Eddie hosted Coke Time, a TV variety show sponsored by Coca Cola. What's your soft drink of choice?  Diet Coke or as they are beginning to call it, Coke Zero.

5) Though Coke Time is mostly forgotten today, Eddie was nominated for two Emmy Awards and won a Golden Globe for his work on the show. Have you ever taken home a trophy?  I've won a few awards, but never an actual trophy.

6) Today Eddie Fisher may be best known as the father of Carrie Fisher. She made more than 50 movies and wrote 8 books. Are you more familiar with her as an actress or author?  As an actress. I've never read any of her books.

7) In 1952, when this song was popular, hamburger meat sold for just 53¢/lb. Is there any beef in your refrigerator right now?  It's in the freezer, not the refrigerator, but yes. We went to the meat market last weekend.

8) Also in 1952, Mr. Potato Head became the first toy to be advertised on TV. What recent TV commercial comes to mind?  I really can't think of one. We watch TV via streaming and pay the upgrade to not have commercials on most of the services. The only one I can think of that pops up in my online games is the one about Medusa...I can't tell you what it's selling.

9) Random question: If you could live within any TV show ever, which would you choose?  Ever? Sign me up for Happy Days!

Thanks as always to Sam @ Saturday 9 for the music and questions!



  1. #9 -- So you'd be wearing a poodle skirt and sitting in a booth at Arnold's, right?

    1. Yes, I would. And I'd be swooning over Chachi while I was at it.

  2. Do you still play handbell's? We mostly eat chicken, turkey and fish. Happy days was a fun show!

    1. Ha! No, I don't play the handbells. I only played the one year I was forced to play. I have no talent at all when it comes to music and our teacher got really annoyed about having to mark all my notes so I could count them.

  3. We used to hang out with Mexican's that owned a local restaurant. I picked up a lot of Spanish that way. Such sweet, hardworking people. I miss talking to them.
    There's lots of beef in our deep freeze. Once a month we go and fill it up. What a blessing and I give God the glory for it.
    I have zero musical talent too but love to sing. We're both singing in the Church choir now. I enjoy telling God how much I love Him in song. What a joy we have in Jesus!
    Love & Blessings. xx

    1. I love to sing, too, but can't sing worth a lick. As my nephew in Alabama once told me, Aunt Stacy your bucket (the one I carry a tune in) done rusted through!

  4. #9 Great answer, yes to ponytails, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and bobby socks.

  5. Handbell Choir! I always wanted to try that. Very cool :)

  6. Happy Days would eb a good one. I could do that.
    I love the Medusa commercial. It is for Amazon Prime, she is getting sunglasses so she doesn't turn everyone into rock. I laugh every time she turns the bar tender into rock though. That's a good one. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. That's it! I couldn't remember for anything. Yes, it is hilarious when she turns the bartender.

  7. Happy Days would be fun to be a part of.

  8. Happy Days!! Yes!! I think the Medusa commercial is cute but I don't really remember what she is selling. Fun Sat9 again this week! Happy weekend!

  9. Happy days would be cool. I know the commercial you're talking about, too, but have no idea what they're selling. The sunglasses, maybe? The Spanish answers I had were about all the Spanish I know. Not much!

  10. I forgot I was in handbells! Loved it and loved seeing "not musical" people discover they can do it too!!

  11. Oh, Happy Days. I was a small child during the time that Happy Days takes place. I would love to experience it as an adult.

    1. I grew up with the Happy Days gang and remember so vividly the last episode. I was in college and it was nearly as huge an event as the last episode of MASH. We were all bawling. It was like we were losing good friends.


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