February 9, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

A Successful Group Activity: So I tried something new this week. I took two of my clients bowling and to lunch at the same time. They are both high functioning (a condition of being allowed to take both) and both are in situations where they are living in private homes, but they are still a bit isolated and lonely or bored. Client one is a 26 year old man and client two is a 38 year old woman. Both agreed to give it a try and they had a blast bowling together and chatting. They want to do more together.

Daughter's Big Heart: If ever there was anyone plagued by stress and anxiety, it is our daughter. Her emotions are on the surface and she wears her heart on her sleeve. Absolutely EVERYTHING is a big freaking deal. It can be exhausting for an introvert like me, but I am so proud of her for stepping up in a difficult situation. 

Our son-in-law's brother has been having some very serious health issues for at least a few months. He is also pretty severely depressed. He has a 4 year old daughter who he has had the sole responsiblilty for since the mother abandoned them a couple of years ago (and she really wasn't much of a mother before that). Unfortunately, with the state of his health and his mental state, he has not been being a good parent, either. The little girl has been neglected and left to run wild much of the time. She is smart as a whip, but behind in many ways. She is also completely resistant to rules or being told "no." She hasn't been seen by a doctor for at least 2 years and there is some concern that there may have been some abuse in the past (not by the father...he does love her, he is just overwhelmed).

Anyway, knowing all this and already having her hands full with her own 2 1/2 year old and 5 year old, our daughter pretty much begged her brother-in-law to let her take the girl in. To everyone's surprise he agreed. The grandmother bought some groceries and said she'd help, but she's already grumbling about having to watch her for an hour or so tomorrow. 

Our daughter and all three kids have spent several hours here the last two days. It gets a lot chaotic. A lot. But the girl is adapting and she is so eager for positive attention rather than neglect. She pours over books, loves to sing songs, and she's just jumped right into letting us know she wants something. She gives us hugs right along with Colton and Leah and today she started calling us Pappy and Memaw (even though I am Nanny...Megan said she only recently began to call her actual Memaw anything at all) and she calls Megan and Cody Mom and Dad. 

No one knows how long it will last, but my bet is on a while. Her dad was supposed to come visit her today and didn't bother. He also hasn't brought any clothes (says he can't find them) or brought her car seat. She is so happy and thriving after just 3 days. Getting to stay with Megan would be the best thing for her. If it turns out that she stays with them, the next step will be trying to get the father to agree to allow them legal guardianship so they can take her to the doctor and enroll her in school.

Pretty Good Weather: We've had some pretty yucky weather this past week, but we've had a couple of days that felt like spring, as well. It was 55* today! It's sort of a roller coaster. Tomorrow will be 40* and Saturday is supposed to be in the mid-50's again, then Sunday we hit the deep freeze and might see snow Sunday night or Monday. I hope the last of the old snow and ice finally melts before we get more.

Strong Bones: This past Sunday I took a crash landing on some black ice in the church parking lot. It was seriously sneaky stuff. Even as I was sitting on it, I couldn't see it, but couldn't get any traction to get up. I had to scootch off of it first. No one was around to help me up, but that means no one was around to see me go down...and that's another thing I'm thankful for. I'm pretty sure there was nothing graceful about going down or coming back up. lol  Anyway, in spite of landing on the same knee I messed up falling on ice several years ago, other than being a little stiff and sore I am fine.

Plans Coming Together: The marriage conference is this Saturday at church. We've been working hard on it and praying just as hard. Everything is coming together and it's so great to be able to see God at work in it all. I can't wait to see what He does at the conference!

I guess that's about it for now. I have to work first thing in the morning and then go pick Colton up from school, so I am posting tonight and I've stayed up way too late doing it. You all have a blessed and thankful day!


  1. Hi Stacy, I am so glad you are okay. That is really nice that you can take two clients out at the same time! That is so kind of Megan to take in the 4 year old. I am sure she is much better off with all of you. I pray you all stay in good health, physically and mentally! I look forward to the post on your marriage conference. Our church is planning something also later in the year. Have a blessed day too!

    1. Thank you for the prayers, Susan. I will have time on Sunday to post about the conference, I think. I am planning to go to church, but skipping Sunday school to join Tim in his new tradition of having the grands over for breakfast on Sundays and then my small group won't be meeting because of the Super Bowl.

  2. It is embarrassing to fall in front of people, isn't it? But too bad someone couldn't come out after you were down to help you up. So glad you weren't hurt though. Sounds good that you were able to take your clients out. They must be lonely and that was such a nice thing you did for them. My heart breaks for that sweet little girl. I hope all the legal stuff gets worked out and your daughter can have the help she needs. Hope your busy day goes well.

    1. There are a lot of things I don't mind, but for some reason I hate the thought of falling in front of witnesses. Yes, help getting up would have been nice because I'm sure THAT maneuver was even less graceful than the fall. lol I hope things work out in whatever way is best for the little girl. Her father was supposed to come see her tonight and my daughter was hoping he'd want to take her for at least the night to spend some time with her. I don't know if he even came, but she did not want to see him. When my daughter asked if she wanted to see her daddy she started screaming and crying and yelling no!

  3. Hi Stacy. Wow, you took quite a fall. Black ice can be so treacherous. Glad you are OK. I hope everything works out with the little 4-year-old. Sounds like a very sad situation and your daughter has a very kind heart to step up and help out. The marriage conference sounds great. Hope it is a big success. HAve a great Thursday. See you again soon. :-)

  4. So glad you were ok from that fall... that's scary - I HATE falling!
    God bless your daughter!!!! That is just so sweet she's willing to help & I'm sure this will be such a blessing to that sweet baby girl.
    Good for you combining group activities. They had to love seeing other people & interacting with new people too!

  5. Oh dear, I'm glad you're okay from the fall, I'm almost terrified of falling on ice. No one saw you go down, isn't that something, how the first thing we do when we fall is look around for that? Phew though, glad you're okay. I love that your has taken in the little girl, that's amazing, and I hope she gets to keep her so she can grow up being loved and taken care of. :)

    1. I have taken several bad falls on the ice...mostly when I worked as a bus driver and the company did not salt their lots. The last one there is the one that wrecked my knee. As a result I am pretty much totally terrified of walking on ice. You are right about our reaction to falling, though. Sitting there on the ice in pain and my first thought was still "did anyone see that?" After a bit I did start to wish someone would see and come help, but that was not too be.

  6. So sorry your daughter has such a stressful life. Some people really have a big sack of rocks to carry around.
    I'm glad you're OK from the fall. I ruined my health with a bad fall once. The fall caused thoracic outlet syndrome and I had to have a rib removed so I wouldn't be in constant pain, etc. Thought I never would get the proper diagnosis before that though. Golly.
    Y'all stay warm and have a beautiful day! xx

    1. Whoa...I am going to have to google that. I've never heard of it and have no idea what it is. I'm glad they were able to correct it for you, though. It must have been awful. I can't imagine having to have a rib removed!

  7. Yay for that little girl getting to be with your daughter and getting some real care and love from all of you. So glad you weren't hurt in that fall. Ice is just so treacherous. Take care my friend and I hope you have a great day.

  8. Ouch...glad you are ok after your fall and not too bruised.
    How lovely that your daughter has taken in the little girl...Im sure the love will flow both ways.
    We had our Church marriage conference late last year... I always look forward to them.. and I learn so much
    Stay warm and safe x

    1. It's encouraging to hear your church has marriage conferences on a regular basis. We are hoping to make ours a yearly event. We are a small church, but we have about 60 people coming and about half are people who are not in church. Hoping and praying some lives are touched!

  9. What an awesome gesture on Megan's part! Y'all's care and attention may make a pivotal difference in that child's life. If you don't mind me asking, do you think she and Cody are thinking of making this permanent. One of my dear friend's daughter and husband were finally able to formally adopt the baby girl they've fostered for a year now. Happy days!

    PS - I'm so relieved you weren't seriously injured on that ice! And if someone was watching you get up, who cares? Everyone needs a little comic relief now and then!

    1. I don't mind you asking at all. :) I believe they are hoping Cody's brother will get his act together and be able to be a father to his daughter, but if that turns out not to be the case, I think they will try to keep her. It is going to be a long hard road no matter what. Her dad was supposed to come see her today and Megan asked her if she wanted to see him and she started screaming "NO." She is so much happier here where people pay attention to her and there are things to do.

  10. I don't do falls anymore. (Ha as if I have that control) Falls always end badly for me - knee replacement and rotator cuff and I am sick of it. I am so careful now...

    1. Oh, ouch! I know I am probably headed for knee replacement down the road. My doctor says I have years to go, but it is definitely waiting for me. I may have done something to my shoulder with this fall. I broke a lot of the fall with my hands/arms and my shoulder is what is the most sore...but I also bowled three games on Tuesday, which probably wasn't the smartest thing.

  11. Oh how wonderful that your daughter and husband have taken in this precious little girl. I know this will be challenging for everyone, but what a difference this will make in that little girl's life ! I pray it can become permanent for her sake. Oh, I am so thankful you didn't hurt yourself too badly in that fall! I know all about those "graceful" falls. I did that one time at work on dry ground, no ice or rain! Somehow lost my footing and went right down. I was so scared because I've had a spinal fusion and I was really afraid it would hurt my spine, but praise GOD! Only my pride was hurt, and I DID have several witnesses!!! I think it scared them enough that no one laughed! LOL. I went home from work early that day...pretty shook up, but so very thankful! Glad you were able to take those two sweet clients bowling. That sounds like fun for all of you!! I am SURE they enjoyed it. What a sweet ministry your job is!! This was great. Praying for your marriage conference to be a big success in eternal dividends for all!

    1. It still hits me "funny" when someone calls my job a ministry. I don't know why, but I never seem to think of it like that. I love it, I love helping my clients and try my best to make a difference for them, but the idea of it being a ministry just never crosses my mind for some reason...which is weird because I know that whatever work the Lord calls us to is our ministry. I guess I just think of it as life and it's what I do. I thank you for the prayers about everything else. It is so appreciated! Especially for the kids. Okay, for the marriage conference, too. We are a small church. There are about 75 people in the directory and only 40 actual members...and we have close to 60 coming for the conference and about half are from outside the church! We are so excited by how God has been working!

  12. That is wonderful your daughter and her husband/family have taken the little girl in. I know it must be hard on everyone, especially the child. Keeping you all in prayer...as for falling ouch. Been there and done that, sigh. And Stacy, you are performing ministry, period. smiles


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes