March 2, 2020

A Pain & A Blessing

Welcome to my new blog home. The move was unexpected. On Saturday morning I found that my laptop would not open my blog. I kept getting a message that the blog was using out of date or unsafe security measures. Many people offered me advice on how to fix the problem, but nothing worked. 

Saturday night my virus protection let me know it had been stopping repeated attempts to connect to my laptop by the same IP address all day...and by repeated I mean nearly once every minute! That caused me to conclude that someone hacked my blog and attached some nasty thing to it. So, I did the only thing I knew to do. I made a new blog. And here we are...well, I hope "we" are here and I'm not talking to myself. Ha!

Okay, that's done so let's get on with the fun stuff.

The weekend was just okay here. I had to work and so did Tim so we didn't really do anything but relax at home in the evenings.

The only interesting thing happened on/through Facebook....I'd better start at the beginning.

Most of you know that during the last year I finally learned the identity of my biological father and found out that I have three half-siblings. I met my sister and we keep in touch. I have been writing back and forth with my father and we have plans to meet this summer when he gets back from wintering in Texas. As for the brothers, I'd been told one of them wanted to know about me, the other is semi-estranged from his full siblings so who knows how he feels about a surprise half-sibling.

I decided that it was past time for the brother closest in age to me to make contact so I reached out to him through Facebook messenger on Friday. I came home on Saturday to find a very excited, very long message from him.

To get started he told me all about himself and his family. My suspicions that he is very liberal were confirmed, but he seems open minded and I am more than willing to get to know him. Political leanings never used to keep people from being friends or destroy families so with the exceptions of those who are "extreme" in their actions, I don't see why it has to now. 


He sounds like a pretty nice guy and I'm looking forward to meeting him one day. For now he sent me a bunch of amazing photos.

My half-brother, his wife and beautiful daughters.

My great-great grandfather, Albin.

Albin playing baseball.

My 3x great grandfather, Reuben.
I think I can see a bit of my son in him.

My great grandfather, Dale, and his wife Sadie.

My grandfather, William, who died in a hunting "accident"
when my father was a boy and my grandmother, Marie,
who treated my existence as a dirty little secret
never to be discussed until the day she died.

I'm glad you found me, please change the link on your blogs so some of the friends I've made, but didn't have addresses for can find me. Thank you!

Have a happy and blessed Monday!


  1. That's so aggravating you had to change your blog. Why dont people just stop with the hacking nonsense - PLEASEEEEE
    Those pictures are so cool! History right there of your family. & yeahhh - your grandmother doesnt have a pleasant aura even in that picture.

    1. She does kinda look like she's been sucking lemons, doesn't she? Ha!

  2. Sorry you had to start a new blog. Love that you are getting acquainted with your family...that is so cool!

  3. I dont know what's going in with these messages that folks get--I got one, my son got one, my husband got one, the library got one...never ending. I was starting to wonder if its the internet network (Empire Access)--my son said people have been using outdated browsers--way over my head to understand...ANYWAYS--I am glad you are back.

    Why did Marie treat you as a "dirty little secret"? Just wondering, smiles.

    1. I have no idea. I tried switching to Google (hated it) and I still couldn't access it. Now Terri's blog and few others aren't accessible to me. Sigh.

      I was a dirty little secret because my parents weren't married. In fact, they had already broken up before Mom found out she was pregnant. Plus 1964 small town America...

  4. OMW, what a nightmare, having to re-create everything! So glad to see your new address on Linda's post. It may be my imagination, but I think your brother's smile looks a lot like yours. (How'd ya like the sound of that, "brother"!)

    1. The whole blogging thing has me considering calling it quits. I've changed so many passwords in the last two days I'm not sure I'll ever be able to access anything if asked for a password. I keep normal ones written down, but this has been while I've been jumping all over trying to work things out. Sigh.

      Brother. It's kinda weird, but kinda good. It's going to take some getting used to.

  5. Thanks for the heads up on your new blog. Good luck getting it set up the way you like. :)

  6. I'm so sorry you lost your blog and the archives too, I suppose. How awful. Glad to have this new connection! How exciting to have some communication with your half brother! Nice photos, too.

    1. It's there. I can see it using my phone, but I can't sit and type up posts on my phone. I'd lose my mind. I changed to Chrome which didn't solve the problem with my blog, but after ignoring the warning about your blog (and several others) a couple of times it will now connect me. I'm not pushing with my blog because it worries me how many attempts to connect that IP address has made in the last 3 days. I have to assume it's coming through my blog and I don't want that. And I guess, bonus...Chrome seems to be a lot faster than Microsoft Edge.

  7. I have a complicated family background myself! I never found out who my biological father was. Mother refused to give me any info. I did a DNA testing and get lots of matches but I won’t ever follow up on any because I have no name to link to. All my siblings are half sins to me. 3 have same mother and father and then the youngest two have same mother and father. Life is strange sometimes but I’ve learned to roll with it. God shall be a father to the fatherless and I claimed that scripture long years ago.

    1. I love that scripture! I've learned to content myself with God's love. Even if I never knew any other love, his would be enough. :)


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes