March 2, 2020

Tuesday 4: A Picnic in the Park

Today's Tuesday 4 is all about food and shopping for food. Thank you, Annie for another set of fun questions!

1. How often do you find yourself shopping for groceries?  I usually hit the  grocery store on the weekend or on Monday if I work the weekend. I do the bulk of my shopping then and just fill in as the week goes on if we run out of something or I find that we need something.

2. Do you have a favorite nighttime snack? I don't have one specific thing, but usually some kind of chip. I am all about the salty, starchy carbs.

3. Do you buy in bulk and what kinds of tips do you have to save on grocery shopping?  I go to Sam's Club a couple of times a year, but I don't really buy in bulk. I'm usually shopping for the odd seasonal things and then just pick up a few things on impulse. Tips for saving? Don't shop when you're hungry. Don't take your husband or children with you. Plan your menu and know what items you need and make a list. And my favorite tip...use online grocery shopping to save a lot over the long haul because if you don't go in the store, they can't lure you with the impulse shopping.

4. Let's have a picnic in the park. What foods are we packing and will we cook anything there or is it all prepared ahead of time?  We are packing EVERYTHING. There is no way I'm cooking on one of those grills in a park (ick!) and I'm not hauling a grill with me, either. What I'd pack depends on who will be there, but likely foods are fried chicken, sandwiches, watermelon or grapes, baked beans, potato or taco salad, chips, cookies or cake, and a variety of drinks.


  1. Yes to potato salad. You know, I seldom if ever eat it indoors. For me, it's belongs on a paper plate, balanced on my lap.

  2. Rolling (lolol) with the don't take your husband, unfort...mine goes with and hence the reason why end up with items that mysteriously gets in the cart, wink. AND no one knows how it got in there, smiles. It just mysteriously jumps in all by itself.

    Have a great day friend!

  3. Sounds like a good picnic to me and I love online grocery shopping!!

  4. Hi Stacy, I added you to my friends list, so it shows on my sidebar. It makes it easier to see who has posted. I like salty, crunchy too!

  5. I forgot the tip of not taking the hubby or kids along grocery shopping! It is definitely true! I hope you can stop by:


  6. No to those public grills, for sure! Gosh, we go to Sam's Club (always) for gasoline, and to shop a couple of times a month. I wish I was disciplined enough to plan ahead for menus. I'm so bad about meal planning.

  7. I love potato salad and the idea of taco salad sounds great too.
    Glad you joined in!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes