March 13, 2020

Don't Focus on the Storm

My excitement over finally having the tile in the bathroom done...

...or nearly done, the guys still have to come back and do a final cleaning and seal the tile after the grout dries (Saturday or Sunday)...

is really being tempered by the craziness of the world right now.  A ticker now scrolls across the bottom of the screen at all times to notify watchers of all things cancelled, postponed, or changed due to the Covid-19 virus. Stores are limiting purchases of non-existent goods that have been unavailable for nearly two weeks already. Schools are closing. All sporting events are cancelled or on hold. Churches are officially saying it's okay to stay home and communion is not being given.

Let me put this in some perspective. In Allegheny County, in which Pittsburgh is located, there are zero cases of Covid-19. However, there have been 3 more deaths from the flu (there have been over 100 during the season) and new cases of flu continue to be diagnosed at the rate of about 800 per week (there are only 22 cases of C-19 diagnosed in the entire state of Pennsylvania). why was there no panic over the flu? It has been more fatal this season than C-19 has been to this point. 

To be sure there are people who are more at risk, there are people who are more vulnerable with ANY infection, but with common sense measures C-19 does not have to be any more deadly than anything else. This is not something on the level of Ebola or the Black Plague.

A little food for thought...

But the bottom line is this, it doesn't matter what happens...there is hope, there is strength, there is peace and it is found in the same One who calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee over 2000 years ago. God is always in control. He may choose to allow the consequences of our choices, but he is always there to give us strength to get through it. He is always the hope before us. When this life bows your back, allow it to drop you to your knees, and then look up and talk to God who is waiting to hear from you. Focus on Him and not on the storm.


  1. ...and that is plan isn't it? For the government to control everything. SIGH...

    OHHHHHHHHH I will be right over to use the shower, LOLOLOL. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE IT! Try to have a great day, friend.

  2. I pretty much agree with you on this post.

    Totally love that shower. So beautiful!!

  3. I agree with your graphic above. This is all about government control and putting doubt into the minds of Americans with the election just a few months away. Makes me angry. Common sense, people!! I know you are thrilled to having the tile finally done! Keep us posted on the progress!!

  4. Holy cow - that little meme about controlling us - that is horrifying.
    My husband is convinced this sort of thing happens on purpose by the government to thin out the population

  5. I'm so in love with your 'new' shower ….. totally MY colors! Totally agree with what you've shared about government control. Evil masterminds don't just exist in James Bond flicks.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes