March 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday

There is much to be thankful for this week...even as panic over the Covid-19 virus grips the the nation, the world, and your local Walmart. So I am linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to share a few blessings.

This week I am thankful...

** the contractor I hired is coming this morning to finish up the tile in the source of all problems in my marriage bathroom. Y'all...I can't even express my joy and thankfulness for this one. It has been three years since Tim gutted it. Actually, it's been three and a half years. He had good intentions, but his bad knee and troublesome health have gotten in the way and the stubborn man just wouldn't admit it was too much for his knee. About two weeks ago he changed his tune and I jumped before he changed his mind. They will get the tile done and grouted today then come back tomorrow to seal it. After that Tim just has to do the easy stuff and set the sink and toilet and install the fixtures. Easy jobs. So by this time next week it may finally be completely done!

** everything continues to limp along at work and the residents' needs are being met. There was a meeting on Monday to explain what's been happening and why it happened. The financial picture is bad. Very bad. It's a day to day thing even with all the people they let go (and the many who have quit or resigned since) and cutbacks everywhere. There is hope, though, but it will be a long road back.

** that despite the panic everywhere around us, Covid-19 remains a relatively small threat. With only a few over 1000 cases in the U.S. it has infected less than 1% of the population. The worldwide story is the same. A little over 115,000 cases is less than 1% of the population. The flu has been more fatal by far this winter. Perspective folks, perspective.

** I'm not in pain even though I just realized I have a broken tooth. Broken as in, half of the tooth is gone. I'm not even sure when it happened, but very recently as it's pretty noticeable to my tongue and I can't leave it alone. It wasn't like that until sometime after I got home last night.

** as always, for all of you! I love my blogging buddies.

Have a blessed and thankful Thursday!


  1. Are we the same person? I'm pretty sure my tooth is broken right now too!!!
    OH WOW - so what happened to let the facility get in such bad shape????
    I always think of you when they shut down nursing homes for this COVID-19 stuff

    1. How did the home get in such bad financial shape? Good question. The woman currently in charge just said the basic "expenses exceeded income" for several years. Yeah, to the tune of over a million or more every year! Some changes are coming to the board of directors, too, because they are all retired pastors, not businessmen. If they had been, they probably would have seen the trouble and could have headed it off much sooner. The question that remains is what did the ousted CEO do...was she just dumb about it, did she grossly mismanage, or was she dipping into funds. Nobody is saying. Keep praying about the Covid-19. If it comes to quarantining the nursing home I do not want to be on duty when it happens because I'd probably be stuck there for the duration!

  2. I'm also trying to maintain a calm perspective on the virus.
    Panic doesn't help anyone.
    Blessings to you as you serve your patients!

    1. No, it sure doesn't. I hate that I now feel like I have to buy toilet paper if I happen to see some because what if there isn't any when I need it? LOL Thank you...I'll take all the blessings and prayers anyone has.

  3. Perspective, indeedie! Yesterday evening our Chief Meteorologist polled FB viewers, "on a scale from 1-10 how concerned are you?" The overwhelming majority responded with 1's and 2's.

    1. I know! I have no idea where these people who are freaking out are. They aren't my neighbors, my family, my friends, or my coworkers.

  4. Yes, a marriage bathroom in important. It has not been fun only having one for the last 3 years. At least our daughter isn't at home. We specifically waited until she left to do anything to it.

  5. I also have a broken tooth! The dentist put a temporary filling in to keep it comfortable until I can get it pulled. Yes, pulled. I'm hoping the temporary fill holds a while!! Glad they finally shared the problems with you all at work and I sure hope for the best for you and the patients.

  6. Ha! I had to laugh at your crossed out words. Renovations can be stressful in a marriage, can't they? I speak from experience! :)


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes