March 11, 2020

Wednesday Giggles: Going Viral

If there is one thing I've learned working in the memory care unit of a nursing home, it's that sometimes you just have to laugh. If you don't laugh you will cry. Or worse.

In the face of all the doomsday news we are being bombarded with concerning the Covid-19 virus (Corona), I thought we could all use a few giggles today.


Or I'm going to defend my toilet paper.

I'd be willing to trade Charmin!

Can you imagine the panic?

Also apparently my small town where exactly no cases have
been diagnosed. Walmart has no toilet paper, no hand soap,
no hand sanitizer, no Lysol, no disinfecting wipes.

We'd all be Kung Flu fighting!

Okay, I'm on board with this one.
Can I just wash Jason Mamoa?

A small dose of reality....


  1. BAHWAAAAAAA...Gosh, I should know better than to be drinking coffee when I read your Wed. funnies, LOLOL. Thanks Stacy, have a great day, friend!!!!!

  2. Just realized I forgot to buy toilet paper while at WalMart this morning. :(
    These are all great!

  3. I think the TP was caused by the news saying people were panic buying TP. 😂 I heard that and then I was like, "Oh, I should get extra toilet paper."

    The Kung Flu! I like that.

    You are right. Ya just gotta laugh or you'll cry.

  4. Thanks for the giggles, Stacy!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes