March 10, 2020

To Slip the Surly Bonds of Earth

Joining in today with Annie and the others for the Tuesday 4. Today Annie has us looking at the heavens.

1. Some people have a pet planet or a planet they think is cool. What about you?  I can't say that I have a pet planet, but I suppose Saturn with its rings or small, distant Pluto have their allure. I do have a pet constellation. Orion. The hunter. I look up and say hello to him every night.

2. Whether you believe in astrology or not, you do have a "sign." What is yours and do you fit the description in any way?  My August 15 birthday makes me a Leo and my 1964 birth year makes me a dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

Of Leos, this is said:  

Positive Leo astrology traits include being courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest and entertaining. They’re not afraid to let their true essence shine in the Sun, which is also their planetary ruler. Leo energy leaves others feeling awakened and revitalized in an empowering way.

Difficult traits of the Leo sign include being greedy, sloppy, coldhearted, jealous, aggressive and vain. Leo is a loyal fixed sign and an extroverted fire sign. But as the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo can also be overbearing. Leo may have a tendency to step on some toes and get a little overzealous, even pissing people off with their bossy demeanor. But they are also natural born leaders who take extreme pride in their talents and beliefs.
Of dragons, this:  
People with Chinese zodiac Dragon sign are usually a group of people who are lively, intellectual and excitable. They can clearly tell right from wrong. They are upright and frank. However, they are also a bit arrogant and impatient. Female Dragons tend to be overly confident. They hate hypocrisy, gossip and slander. They are not afraid of difficulties but hate to be used or controlled by others.
  • Strengths
    Decisive, inspiring, magnanimous, sensitive, ambitious, romantic
  • Weaknesses
    Eccentric, tactless, fiery, intolerant, unrealistic
I don't believe in astrology at all, but if you throw out a bunch of personality traits, you're bound to get lucky once in a while...especially if you are looking to find yourself in the descriptions. Of these, I'd have to say the description of Dragons is closer to my personality than that of Leos.

3. Do you stay up late to watch meteorite showers or crane your head to see clouds in the daytime?  I am always looking at the sky (I once considered majoring in astronomy). I would love to watch meteorite showers, but it is virtually ALWAYS too cloudy to see anything here. I check the weather forecast and if it's for clouds I just go to bed.

4.  Do you think money is wasted on the space program that might be better used on earth?  As much as I love space, yeah, I do kind of think the money would be better spent solving problems here on earth.

I leave you today with a favorite poem, High Flight by John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds -
and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of -
wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
Hovering there I've chased the shouting wind along
and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.

"Up, up the long delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace,
where never lark, or even eagle, flew;
and, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand and touched the face of God."


  1. I''m with you - I dont understand the need for all the space spending. The idea of being in an atmosphere where I could die from no oxygen or instantly freeze... all the silence & darkness... no thank you. I'll stay on this beautiful earth.

    1. I didn't even think of THAT. I am fascinated by space and would have at one time jumped on a chance to go, so I'm not afraid. I just think we should solve our problems here first.

  2. I would never say your greedy-- that doesn't fit your personality at all, grin. I have no desire to go to space but do find the subject interesting.

    Have a great day and I enjoyed your answers, smiles.

  3. One of these days I'm going to trip over my dog when we are on walks as I'm always looking up at the sky - day and night. lol

    1. I have fallen over a dog on a walk. Can you picture me on the ground yelling "Elvis!" at the top of my lungs because that was the dog's name and I let go of his leash when I hit the ground? Good thing my neighbors knew Elvis was my dog's name or they'd probably have had me hauled off to have my head x-rayed!

  4. Certainly, we in Alabama can't see the amazing night skies as we did in Arizona. I've no idea what constellation, but used to look for a certain three-some and 'talk' to my mother, father and former husband. High Flight is a great poem!

    1. Arizona and New Mexico have the most amazing skies. I loved that so much when I was out there.

  5. Saturn has always charmed me as well I love to watch the sky, the cloud formations and the path of the sun and moon. It is all very facsinating to me!

    1. It is fascinating and thoughts like what's beyond the edge of the universe (because it has to be "in" something) keep me awake at night.

  6. I enjoyed my time here and we are both Leos! The last line of the poem reminded me of the Space Shuttle Challenger because it was part of President Regan's speech on the Challenger tribute. Now I know where it came from!

    1. Oh, that's right, he did. I forgot about that.

  7. Hey there fellow fire sign. They say Sagittarius, Leo and Aries are good together since they are the fire signs. Who knows. That poem is lovely!

  8. Fun questions again this week from Annie. I enjoyed your answers but a lot of the space science has helped we earthlings in so many positive ways! I loved reading that poem. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh, I know it, Terri. As long as the program is there we may as well benefit from the things invented or discovered but I think we'd find a way without it, too. We've also gotten lots of positive things out of war.

  9. I'm like Susan (above). When I hear "surly bonds of earth," I think of Ronald Reagan and his speechwriter, Peggy Noonan. Until just now, I had no idea it was from a poem! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Josh is a Leo and he does not fit that description much at all, but my sister in law is also a Leo and she really does fit it. Especially the overbearing pissing people off part. hahahaha Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


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Moving Day

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