March 13, 2020

Saturday 9: I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen

Joining in with Sam and the Saturday 9 crowd might be a leap of faith. I have to work this weekend and right now because of the Covid-19 virus the nursing home is closed to all visitors and the staff has to follow stringent (and extreme) measures to prevent infection. Unless the course of this thing changes, I fully expect that at some point nursing homes and the like will end up being quarantined with staff members stuck at work for the duration. Given how quickly everything seems to be moving, that could be the case at any time. Circumstances permitting, I will catch up with everyone later today.

I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen (1975)

Chosen because St. Patrick's Day is Tuesday.

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is widely considered a traditional Irish ballad. Are you of Irish descent?  There is some, but there is more English and Scottish. My adopted father's family was Irish, however, and I grew up connected to that heritage. My family has always enjoyed corned beef, cabbage and potatoes on St. Patrick's Day and this year will be no exception.

2) It's a song from a groom to his homesick bride. Who did you most recently serenade? (Yes, "Happy Birthday" counts.)  I sang to my granddaughter this afternoon.

3) Kathleen considers "home" her mother's cottage. How about you? Is "home" where you live now, or is it where you grew up?  Until I get to heaven, where I live now is home. For most of my younger life it was my grandparents' home as we moved a good bit and it was the constant in my life.

4) St. Patrick is credited with driving snakes out of Ireland, and to this day the Irish report there are no snakes on their land. Ophiophobia is the fear of snakes. Do you suffer from ophiophobia?  If you've been around my blog for any amount of time you know I am the poster child for ophiophobia!

5) Irish Americans held the first St. Patrick's Day parade on our shores in New York City in 1766. Does your town host a St. Patrick's Day parade?  No, but Pittsburgh usually has one of the biggest there is outside of Boston. Not this year, though. Are any of the parades happening this year?

6) Leprechauns are a symbol of St. Patrick's Day. These small Irish fairies are said to live in the forest, guarding their gold. Do you more often wear silver or gold?  I virtually always wear silver or white gold. I don't think yellow gold looks good on me.

7) The signature color of St. Patrick's Day is green. Will you wear green next Tuesday?
  Probably. I'll probably wear my "Irish Princess" tiara, too.

8) This week's featured artist, Elvis, was the idol of millions. But not the Songfellows. In the early 1950s, a young Elvis auditioned for this gospel group and they refused him. Just as well, as the King of Rock 'n Roll did rather well for himself as a solo. Like Elvis, did you ever interview for a job that you didn't get?  There have been a couple.

9) Random question: Do you believe women are more emotional than men?  I don't know that we are more emotional than men, but I do believe we are more tuned in to our own emotions and those of others around us. I also believe most men are conditioned not to show their emotions. I'm actually like that. I may be a raging storm on the inside, but you will rarely, if ever, see that storm on the outside. A noticeable exception is going to take place if I end up locked in at the nursing home. It's going to be pretty evident that I'm an unhappy camper if it comes to that.


  1. Definitely wear the tiara! :)

    Keep us posted about your work situation. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. My brother's family moved around a lot and each of his four children was born in a different state.

    1. It is tough to be the new kid in school all the time.

  3. I hope there aren't more extreme measures at your workplace. We've been discussing how to have virtual school.

    1. So do I, but I know some of my coworkers are already keeping extra clothes in the car because they think it's coming. I just want to get through tomorrow and then I have Monday-Wednesday off. If it's going to happen, I hope it happens then. All of the schools here are closed for the next 2 weeks.

  4. Yes to that tiara! Gosh, I hope and pray you don't get quarantined at the job! Crazy times we are in right now!

    1. I'll have to be sure to post a picture with the tiara. I don't think I have any old ones. Thank you for the prayers.

  5. Sigh, nope no Irish parades here, and Hornell is IRISH! Stupid governor and stupid virus, (have issues, huh? lolol). I would love to see that tiara! And gosh, hope you dont get quarantined!

    1. Go ahead and rant, we have a stupid governor here, too. I just promised Terri I'll try to get a picture of the tiara.

  6. If gold doesnt look good on you, you must be a summer like me.. if you had your colors done!

    1. I had my colors done a long time ago, but don't remember my "season." I know I look better in cool colors.

  7. I am hoping you do not end up locked in with your work. I am sorry you must deal with that possibility. I love silver and white gold, too.

    1. Thanks, Anita. These sure are crazy times.

  8. Oh my goodness! That is scary about your work. I have been seeing the no visitors for nursing homes and I have been wondering about how the staff coming and going is any different. I know staff is being tested constantly, but still. I did not really think about them making you guys stay. YIKES! I have been thinking about you though and wondering.
    I am also scared of snakes. I have no use for them.
    No parades here either because of COVID-19. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

    1. I don't get the whole thing with changing clothes. We have to leave our purses in our cars. So if I need something from my purse during the day, do I have to change my clothes back, go to my car and come back and change again? Some of the stuff is really stupid. Thanks for stopping by, Lori!


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