March 5, 2020

Thankful Thursday: Big Thanks This Week

I go back to work today after being off Monday - Wednesday. I'm not exactly thankful for that, but then again, I am. I'll get to that in a minute. For now, I'd like to give a big shout out to Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for hosting Thankful Thursday every week and giving us a place to show some gratitude for all the things God blesses us with.

So, getting down to business, this week I am thankful...

** to have a job to go to today. 

The nursing home where I work is part of a bigger entity and as a whole it has been struggling. We learned in January that there had been no profit for 3 years. A new financial person was hired in January and the very next day the CEO was terminated (along with her mother and father who also held jobs within the company). We were also told a consulting firm was being brought in to analyze and evaluate.

Last week rumblings and speculation began to circulate that big changes were coming and that nobody would be happy. Everyone was on pins and needles waiting for the boom to drop. Then, on Monday of this week, that's exactly what happened. At least 30 people were terminated first thing Monday morning. Everyone was freaking out, probably no one more than me who was sitting at home getting texts from my coworkers. When all was said and done quite a few management people were gone and a lot of the part-time and newer hires. 

Half of the activities staff is gone. I have heard that my boss has to totally restructure the department and the program and isn't sure how it will all work out, but for now it seems I'm still part-time and only in the dementia care unit since she extended my schedule through the middle of April so far. There are supposed to be meetings coming up soon to explain the coming changes in each department, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'm kind of curious to get to work today and see how things are.

** I've finally made contact with one of my half-brothers over the weekend and we've been messaging back and forth. He shared some amazing photos of quite a few of my ancestors, which I shared here on the blog on Monday. We're pretty different in life philosophies, but we still seem to have a good bit in common and we're both being open-minded. Pretty exciting stuff!

** that I have a blog to share on. Something, I still have no idea what, went horribly wrong with my previous blog last weekend. I tried everything that friends, family, and Blogger suggested to fix the problem. Nothing worked. I eventually ended up changing over to Chrome and making this new blog. For a while there I was really tempted to pitch the laptop out into the rain and give up on blogging, but I'm glad I didn't. I'd miss you guys!

** I got to spend part of Monday shopping with Megan and the kids.

** And Tuesday afternoon with Colton because he called and wanted to come to Nanny's house.

** for temperatures in the 50s all week...even if it did have to rain a lot of the time. This morning's blue skies made up for it.

** of course, for each one of you. Your visits, comments, and friendship add joy to my day.

Have a blessed & happy Thankful Thursday!


  1. ...and I am thankful for you, my friend. A lot of my blogging friends are going through "changes" whether it be job or other related things...change can be good, just saying. smiles

    1. It seems to be the year of change. I know a lot who are going through big life changes, too. Yep, change can be good. I'm just waiting to see what all the work stuff means in the end. It may not be over just yet from the rumblings I was hearing today.

  2. I'm so glad you didn't chuck your computer and blogger! I would miss you here! It is so cool that you are meeting relatives you had no idea existed and that the experience has been a good one so far. Chrome fixed your problem and also Barb's (I believe). I've been using Chrome for quite a few years now. It seems to be a good platform. Keep us posted about work and the job, please! Lifted prayers for you!

    1. I used to use Chrome, but switched to Edge with the new laptop because it is supposed to be optimized for use with Windows 10, but that seems to be a bit of an exaggeration. It didn't fix all my problems. I still can't access my old blog and as for your blog and the others I was getting the out of date security message for...I just hit the "ignore warning and go ahead" button. It won't let me do that with my own blog, though.

  3. Oh wow... still lots of job changes, huh? I am still so grateful you went to part time - you know you're not a burden 'on the books' side of things then.
    warmer temps - YES YES YES
    I had a flash of like, Do I want to keep blogging - but also felt like, I'll miss everyone :) I relate to that feeling so much

    1. Yep, and after having gone to work today it looks like there are probably more to come. First thing in the door I found out the home's administrator has turned in her resignation and will be done March 31. We are down to only two RN's in the building. We have LPN's, but still. They are cutting corners in all departments and the families of residents are noticing and complaining. A lot.

      We have to go through 2 colder days but then from Sunday on we get several warm (60s) days. Woo hoo!

  4. I, too, am glad you didn't decide to quit blogging! Soooo curious to hear what your workday was like. Keep those adorable pictures coming, won't you?

    1. It was odd at work. Everyone is in such a mood. The home's administrator has turned in her resignation but will finish the month. We're down to 2 RN's and several LPN's. Everyone seems to think a lot more stuff is coming. Guess we'll see because none of the dept. heads have any clue.

      Of course there will be more pictures. :)

  5. So glad you didn't quit, I enjoy getting to know you through your blog. Your grandkids are so adorable and isn't it great to get to spend time with them.

    Hope things all turn out well for you at your job and that it will be an even greater place to work in time.

    1. Thank you and I hope you're right about work, but if it doesn't improve or I get terminated...I just figure God closed the door and he will open another.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes