April 8, 2020

A Grace-Full Hodgepodge

Thanks goes, as always, to Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond for coming up with the questions and giving us our Wednesday blogging purpose!

1. How will you celebrate Easter this year?  My Bible study group met tonight via Google Hangouts. Before we ended we decided to "meet" up again Friday evening for Good Friday and pray together for half an hour and then again on Easter morning to share communion. Other than that, we will be having dinner at home, just the two of us and going next door to our daughter's yard to watch our grandson hunt eggs and also get the trampoline his momma and daddy decided to gift him with. I can just imagine his excitement. For the most part, it's just going to be a quiet day of thinking about and thanking the Lord for what he did for us.

2. Is it easier for you to receive grace offered or extend grace to another? Explain.  It was a long time in coming and didn't come easily, but I have gotten pretty good at letting go and forgiving people, of giving them grace. I'm not as good at receiving grace from others. I feel guilty because I know I did something wrong and I don't feel like I should be let off the hook, I guess?

3. Do you say grace before meals? Yes. If so do you have a standard dinnertime grace or is it more 'off the cuff' ? Off the cuff. Prayer is just talking to God, so I just say what's on my heart. Do you say grace when dining out? Yes. I've been known to ask the server if there is anything I can pray about for them. Do you have a favorite grace? No. Any special memory associated with 'saying grace'? Whenever the whole family got together for a meal, whomever sat beside my grandfather (usually me) knew he was going to try to stick their hand in whatever dish was beside him during the prayer.  

4. What are some challenges you think the next generation will face? (Generation Alpha-born between 2011 and 2025) Greatly changing weather patterns, loss of jobs to artificial intelligence, and new health issues (like the current pandemic) just to name a few.

5. Share a favorite quote or lyric featuring the word faith.  Walk by Faith by Jeremy Camp.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.  I hate to admit defeat so early in the game, but I missed yesterday, today isn't looking good, and there is much going on the next few days...I just don't think the A-Z Challenge is going to happen this year. I'm actually trying to spend less time on blogging and Facebook, not more!


  1. Gee, I forgot about the HP today...oh well, there is always tomorrow, grin. Oh, I hope you take photos on Easter Sunday, grin.

    Have a great day friend. smiles

  2. I love you all will get together virtually with your group. I havent tried Google hangout I need to check it out.
    OK - I always thought you were awesome - but asking the server what you can pray for them about??? You are just amazing.

  3. My groups are loving the Zoom meetings! I think asking the server if there is anything to pray for them is a great thing. I have on occasion, but it isn't my habit. Usually I ask if I sense something is troubling someone. Maybe need to change, as people do mask feelings often. Happy Easter. Your Grandpa ... funny! What a stinker.

  4. What a supportive study group you have and what a joy it must be to have such close friends. Joining together for Good Friday and Easter morning is a great idea. I am not familiar with Google hangout, but I am going to check it out. May you have a blessed Easter. He is Risen!

  5. I'm thinking similar thoughts regarding the A to Z challenge myself. I'm stubborn though...heehee...so we'll see. What a blessing to be able to still see your grandkids during this time. Happy Hodgepodge!

  6. I love the Jeremy Camp song and almost shared it on my post too. The A-Z is a lot of work, and I typically wouldn't blog everyday but it is exercising my writing muscle and I enjoy that. My theme has been fun this year too, a bit challenging. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  7. What a beautiful gesture, asking your server if there's anything on his/her heart you might pray about. Wow. Do you usually get requests? (Were I in that position and someone asked, I'd probably burst into tears.) Love that Jeremy Camp video!

  8. I've been doing Zoom get togethers with my church community group and our women's fellowship. I have to admit that I find them awkward and uncomfortable. I really hope face-to-face communication is never considered obsolete! I don't typically blog every day either. A few years ago, I signed up for the 31-day writing challenge, and I dropped out at around day 15...just don't want to be on the computer that much. So I get ya! But, this year, I am keeping up with the A-Z Challenge; however, when it's over, my blogging will be sporadic again.

    Blessings to you!

  9. I thought about trying to do the AtoZ, but just didn't want to use that much time. Maybe next year. lol

  10. You picked the same song I did! I had to go look for a song and had never heard that one before. I love it. I have never tried the A-Z because I know myself... I would not finish it. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge, Stacy! It will be fun watching the egg hunt!!

  11. LOVED your story about your grandfather sticking your hand in the food during grace at the table. Everybody should have a grandpa like that!!

    And on the subject of grace, like you, I am learning to forgive people, let them off the hook. Just recently another opportunity for that came along ......

    Enjoy your Easter!

  12. Technology has been great for gathering together even though we can't physically be together. Happy Easter to you!

  13. Your grandfather sounds like a hoot! We pray before our meal when we're out as well but I've never asked the server if I could pray for them. I love that idea!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes