June 5, 2020

Saturday 9: When Love Goes Wrong

Saturday 9: When Love Goes Wrong (Nothing Goes Right) 1953

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This is from the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Have you seen it?  I think I saw it once a long time ago, but I really couldn't tell you anything about it.

2) The lyrics tell us that, when love goes wrong, "a match won't light." When did you most recently light a match?  It's been years. I have those long necked lighters for lighting candles and such. I don't even think we own any matches.

3) The duet is performed at a French sidewalk cafe, where Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe are (literally) sharing a cup of coffee. With whom did you most recently have coffee?  No one. I don't drink coffee.

4) The tune was written by prolific composer Hoagy Carmichael. He was influenced by his mother, who earned extra money for the family playing piano during silent movies. Who in your life influenced your career choices?  My favorite high school English teacher, my grandmother, and my dad...because he vetoed a couple of schools and career choices I would have preferred.  (I seem to remember an episode of The Flintstones that featured Hoagy Carmichael.)

5) Jane and Marilyn shared something beyond movie stardom. They were both married to Hall of Famers. Marilyn Monroe was married to Joe DiMaggio, who was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame in 1955. Jane was married to quarterback Bob Waterfield, inducted into the football Hall of Fame in 1965. Which sport would you rather watch: baseball or football?  Football. I am a die-hard Pittsburgh Steelers fan.

6) Jane and Bob Waterfield were high school sweethearts at Van Nuys High. The Southern California school was used as a set for the 1982 movie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Tell us something about your high school.  With a name like Derry Area it lent itself to a lot of jokes.

7) Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio met on a blind date at a Hollywood restaurant called Villa Nova. Have you ever arranged a blind date? If so, did the couple hit it off and end up dating?  I've never arranged one.

8) In 1953, when Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was released, a tornado did severe damage to Waco, TX. Tell us about a major weather event that you endured (tornado, hurricane, flood, blizzard, heat wave, etc.).  A tornado went through our neighborhood in 1976. It destroyed about 12 houses, but was only an F1 so I guess we got off lucky. In December of 1992 we got hit with a northeaster that dumped over 3 feet of snow in less than 24 hours. Tim was at work and didn't get home for 3 days because his work volunteered men and equipment to try and dig the town out. There was so much snow they had to load the snow into massive dump trucks and haul it away because there was no where to dump that much snow. It was pretty scary to me because I was home alone with a 6 year old and a 4 month old baby and no way to get anywhere or for anyone to get to us.

9) Random question: You see a filthy puddle. Floating on top are cigarette butts, a leaf, and a $1 bill. Would you bend over and rescue the dollar?  Nope.

Thanks to Crazy Sam for the questions.
Join in the Saturday 9 fun here.


  1. Oh my.. I can see the problem with the school name. Its difficult to say the least to be home alone with no help available when kids are little! Glad it worked out okay.

  2. I love snowstorms and blizzards, but it never occurred to me how scary they would be if I was trapped inside with little ones.

  3. Derry Area... I needed that...

  4. too bad they couldnt have thought of a better name associated with Derry.. I absolutely loved Derry when we were in Ireland..

    1. Well, their intentions were good. The name arose out of the consolidation of 3 school districts and Derry was the "big" town involved.

  5. Did they let the students name the school? Did YOU name the school? That is GREAT!
    Isn't weather crazy? We had a storm last week that caused such hard winds, they said probably 60 mph, it uprooted trees, there are lots of limbs down. We just had limbs down...that is what Karl is doing right now, getting them cut up to haul off. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


    1. Ha! No, we hated it and the boys were always making even more naughty jokes because our mascot was a Trojan. There have been some nasty storms in our area, too, but thankfully, they have all gone around us.

  6. Too funny about that name. I wonder if the school secretary hated having to answer the telephone. WOW on that storm. I like snow, but that's absurd. Would you believe, I was near 50 y/o before I ever heard of a nor'easter.

    1. I hear that term a lot these days. I don't remember it being used all that commonly when I was younger.

  7. Derry Area ....snicker .... I can imagine all the jokes....

  8. Your school's name is pretty darn funny and I would love to know who didn't give it as much thought as they should have! LOL Fun questions again this week! Sounds like a great lunch with your daughter (FB) and I'm happy you guys got to go out and enjoy some "normal"!! Happy weekend!

    1. It was wonderful to get out and do a little girls' day of shopping and lunch! I'm enjoying it now in case they clamp back down in the coming months.

  9. That's some school name. I remember that snow in 1992; we lost power for 10 days. When the roads opened up, I drove to my grandmother's house - 30 miles away - just to get a shower. Up until then I'd used sponge baths from the wood stove. That was the best shower ever.

    1. Right? Everyone talks about the blizzard of 93 a few months later. It was bad but we had a foot less than the December storm.


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