June 5, 2020

Updates & Giggles

Another day, another chance to do better at this thing called life. There are a few updates to share.

Our county went green today in the reopening plan. Woohoo. It's now possible to get a haircut, go to the gym, and eat in a restaurant...if you can snag one of the very limited seats.

The pool was delivered yesterday. In many, many boxes. Now to get the installer here before Thanksgiving.

The job interview went well, I think. It's a wait and see. They are interviewing a lot of people and this was just round one. They'll be in touch if I make it to the next round.

I have an appointment with our doctor today. Nothing going on, just a regular follow up that was supposed to happen months ago.

It's been a while so to send you into the weekend here are some funnies.

Happy Friday, y'all! Have a beautiful day and a great weekend!


  1. Hi Stacy. I love these memes. It is always better to laugh than cry - and this year has sure brought us all many reasons to cry. Stressful, busy week here so I haven't been checking blogs as much as I like to, so I must do catch-up. I didn't know you were interviewing for a new job, but I sure hope you get it and that it is a job you will enjoy. Great news about the pool. I am sure you will all enjoy that! Stay safe and well and I will stop by to visit again soon!

  2. Glad the pool was delivered and sure hope the installer comes soon!! Fun memes but boy oh boy am I done with it all!! Glad more things are open there! Our athletic fields open today so we are almost back... just still at 50% of occupancy allowed still. We'll get there!

  3. LOL... I love people who make these memes - always good chuckles.
    GREEN... whoo hooo... we're still in Phase 2 down here. & I'm just waiting to see the numbers rise & we get shoved back to Phase 1 after all the protesting

  4. HA! Love the graphics/memes! hey, I get a haircut next week! Yay!!!

  5. I hadn't seen any of these … too cute! Coming back from the V.A. today, it was like "Who let the dogs out?" Crazy traffic and parking lots jam packed with shoppers. Mask-wearers are still 50/50.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes