July 17, 2020

Saturday 9: Flipper

Joining with Sam for the Saturday 9 and another week of fun questions.

Saturday 9: Flipper (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Flipper ran for three seasons, from 1964 to 1967. Are you familiar with the show? Were you a fan?  Well, not the first time around since I was only 3 when it went off the air, but somewhere along the way I watched it in reruns and loved it!

2) Brothers Sandy and Bud consider a bottle-nosed dolphin, named Flipper, their pet. Do you currently share your home with any animals?  Just Daisy, my Toy Poodle. When the kids were at home we used to have all kinds of animals and they didn't all belong to the kids.

3) Bud and Sandy's dad was Chief Warden Porter Ricks of the fictional Coral Key Marine Preserve. In reality, the show was filmed in Miami and Key Biscayne. When were you last in the ocean? Which ocean was it?  I do not go in the ocean. Sharks. I was last at the Atlantic Ocean last summer. I love the seashore. I love boating. I love fishing. I just don't get in the water past my ankles.

4) There was no one single "Flipper." In close-ups, the role was played by a dolphin named Susie. While Susie was good at interacting with people, she had trouble with stunts, and sometimes a male dolphin named Clown was brought in for action sequences. Do you consider yourself more social, like Susie? Or are you more athletic, like Clown?  Is there a couch potato dolphin?

5) Without looking it up, do you know the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise?  Not really. I know there's a difference, but I couldn't tell you what it is.

6) Flipper wasn't just a TV pet. He was an industry! During the show's run, Flipper comic books, coloring books and puzzles were very popular. As an adult, do you entertain yourself by reading comics, coloring, or completing jigsaw puzzles?  I color sometimes.

7) The Flipper lunchbox was also a big seller. It came with a Thermos topped with a red cup. Do you own a Thermos?  Not a Thermos brand thermos. My husband always has Stanley's because they're steel and he can't break them.

8) In 1964, when Flipper premiered, it was up against The Outer Limits and The Jackie Gleason Show. If those were your only viewing choices, would you watch the family show about the dolphin, the sci-fi anthology show, or the comedy-variety show? (Or would you rather flip through a magazine?)  As a kid it would have been Flipper. As a teen it would have been The Outer Limits. Today it would be the magazine.

9) Random question  -- Which would you be more comfortable explaining: how a car engine works, the current IRS tax brackets, or the rules of baseball?  I only know the basics of baseball, but I'm guessing that's still way more than I know about engines or taxes.

I will catch up with everyone when I can, but it may not be till late or even till Sunday. Tomorrow (Saturday) we are celebrating our granddaughter's birthday with a big family party. It's going to be a busy and exciting day!


  1. Have a wonderful day today with your family, celebrating your sweet granddaughter's birthday. What a fun time that will be!

  2. We just had a shark warning in town yesterday. The Cape Cod National Seashore has a spotter plane flying up and down the coast looking for them.
    As was typing this it sounds like it just flew overhead.

  3. I enjoyed your answers today.
    Loved your answer to #4.
    Have a good Saturday celebrating your
    granddaughter's birthday.

  4. Hope you enjoy your party! Sounds like a good time.

  5. Ya! Let's begin a new species ... couch-potato dolphin! Hope Leah's party is great fun!

  6. Happy birthday to your granddaughter!!! Have a great time celebrating! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  7. I would also prefer a couch potato dolphin option!

  8. Yeah, those finer points of baseball would trip me up, but I know it better than the other two.. poor choices!!

  9. I can't wait to see photos from the birthday party! These were some different questions for Saturday 9 and I enjoyed your answers! Have fun!!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes