August 14, 2020

Happy Day 13 & 14

Oops! I forgot to post yesterday.

Day 13:  I got a birthday card from my biological father. I didn't even know he knew my birthday was this week. He blessed me with another ridiculously generous gift, but even better....he told me that he is glad we finally met and that he's pleased with me, the life I've led, the choices I've made...  That means more than anyone will ever know.

Day 14:  Tim remembered that the flavor of the day at a local frozen custard stand was White House Cherry (my favorite) and brought me pint.


  1. I'm so glad things are moving ahead smoothly and comfortably with your father. It was so brave of you to pursue this relationship.

  2. How wonderful that your father remembered your birthday. I can imagine that was very special for you. (((Hugs))). The ice cream sounds good. We don't have places like that here. Maybe that is a good thing. LOL.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes