September 11, 2020

Never Forget

Sharing a post from Facebook that I wrote 5 years ago.

Jon Richard Grabowski, 1967- 2001 

Back on the 5th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, I was honored to be a part of an online project that united over 3000 bloggers to remember and honor each of the lives lost on that horrible day. I was assigned Jon as the life I was to honor. I never met Jon in life, but I learned about him as I did research for the project and I came to care about him as a person, not just another tragic number. I made a promise in my post that day that I would never forget Jon and that I would always honor his memory. So, today I do that. I honor Jon and all the others who were lost.

Sometimes when I look around at this country I feel like the terrorists are winning. We're all fighting and stand divided. We are killing each other in the streets. The face of this once great nation has changed drastically since September 11, 2001.

Can I ask you to do something, just for today? Can you put aside your differences? Can you stop screaming that one life or another matters more? Can you just for one day honor those who gave all that day and in the days since, by treating ALL lives as important....the black lives, the white lives, the law enforcement lives, the unborn lives....even the Republican and Democrat lives?

Life matters. It is a gift. Cherish it because it can be taken away in the blink of an eye.

I pray you are dancing with the angels, Jon.


  1. I Loved all of your post today and pictures.
    I have a 9-11-2001 post up today also and with pictures.

  2. Beautifully expressed, Stacy. Amen!

  3. Thank you for your post Stacy, I posted my memories too.

  4. Thank you matters.

  5. Thank you for sharing this and telling us about Jon. Praying for his family members and friends who are still missing his presence in their lives. May we never forget.

  6. Thank you for sharing this with us, Stacy. xo


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes