October 30, 2020

A Little of This & A Little of That

Brrr...it's a chilly 45 degrees with a bit of rain lingering today. Tonight the mercury is dropping to 28!! If the rain isn't gone it's possible we could see our first snow flurries. So glad the kids got their furnace running yesterday!

Well, I know you were all waiting to hear how things went at Tim's follow up appointment today, but there isn't much to tell. He went to the wrong office. He went to the one in our town instead of the one where he had the procedure done. A call to the doctor did result in the nurse here removing the catheter, which made Tim a happy camper and was really all he was worried about. Since he didn't see the doctor, we didn't get any answers about whether or not this was cancer. I'm hoping not since the doctor relayed through the nurse that unless he has any problems she doesn't need to see him before his scheduled January appointment. So, maybe I'll have an answer in 2 1/2 months?

I had dinner with Megan, Cody, and the kiddos last night. Tim was supposed to be there, but ended up stuck in traffic due to a bad wreck in one of Pittsburgh's infamous tunnels. By the time he got home he just wanted to get cleaned up and relax. Megan fixed him up with leftovers so he still got to enjoy the food. It was nice to spend some time with Megan and Cody and of course I love me some Nana-time with the kids.

Tim's family got together this year and everyone sent packages to all the grand-nieces and nephews for Halloween. The kids have been having a ball getting all those boxes in the mail and everyone has been super creative in what they sent.

Here's Colton modeling the black vampire teeth that were in one of the boxes. Positively creepy!

The box that came yesterday included Funfetti cupcake mix and frosting. Megan helped Colton make them for dessert last night. As you can see, Leah really enjoyed hers. She was really "into" dinner. The big white blop on the side of her nose is a remnant of the mashed potatoes. I didn't get a picture, but the whole back of her head somehow ended up globbed up with frosting and potatoes. She did NOT get the second big hug that Tim instructed me to give the kids before I left. LOL

Once we took the air conditioner out of the living room window, I moved my plants into my office. I put them between the desk and the window. I love sitting there and looking at them and they seem to enjoy the morning light because this is happening...

If you look very closely at the middle of the plant you can see what looks like a bud. I've never had a plant like this one before so I don't really know if it's an actual bud (or even if they bloom) or if this is how the leaves form. I'm looking forward to watching it and seeing what happens.

Nothing else is exciting in our part of the world. Tomorrow is Trick-or-Treat so I'll have some pictures of the kids to share...and Megan. Because she had to go and get a costume, too. Can't wait to see it...it's going to be hilarious!

I hope your weekend kicks off to a great start and I'll see you tomorrow for the Saturday 9.


  1. Your grands are adorable, black teeth, mashed potatoes and all! lol

    That plant is beautiful!

  2. Such a good idea...the packages!
    So cute!
    Have a nice evening and stay warm and cozy!

    1. Yesterday they decided to do a Christmas card exchange, too. No goodies, so a break for the wallet (there are 16 grand nieces and nephews!).

  3. Big big smiles...I can't wait to see your Halloween photos, no trick or treating here because of Covid...and I will be at work keeping an 'eye on things'. (I emailed you)

  4. Colton's 'teeth' make me want to be a kid again! Loved the big fat wax lips. Leah is adorable!

  5. those teeth... crreeeeppppy- I love the idea of sending gifts for Boo Baskets in the mail!
    Poor Tim. I get so frustrated when you just have to wait for answers. Its like they totally forget there's PEOPLE with EMOTIONS on the other end of results. But I'm with you - if they're not concerned, money is on good results.

  6. Stacy, I am so sorry I have not kept up with the news about your husband. I'm going back to catch up on Tim's journey and join you in praying that this was not cancer!
    What a great idea to send Halloween packages!! Such sweet kids!!

  7. Looks like you had a great time with the kiddos. They are adorable. Praying for Tim and that all is well and no cancer. I can imagine he was anxious to get out of that traffic jam and home again. Hope you will take some pictures of the kids in their trick or treat outfits! I always love to see them in their costumes! Such fun. Have a good time.

    1. Thank you for the prayers and yes, pictures will be coming.

  8. That is some ugly vampire teeth on that sweet boy! I'm sure they are having fun with the surprise packages! I guess no news is good news for Tim. Glad he got the catheter out. Joe has had to deal with that twice and he just hates it. Stay warm up there!! Happy weekend!

    1. Yes, the catheter is definitely not something Tim ever wants to do again. I think he'd rather have actual pain than the constant irritation and discomfort.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes