November 16, 2020

Currently & the Recipe for City Chicken

In Latrobe...

The feeling pretty fall-like with a high of 42 predicted. There's a pretty good breeze still hanging around from yesterday's storms putting this morning's wind chills in the 20's.

On my mind...our daughter and her husband haven't been feeling well for the last day or two. Since there are several people out at our son-in-law's work with Covid they decided they should get tested. All of the local testing sites were booked solid yesterday so they have an appointment for 8:00 this morning. Being Mom, I'm worried about them and especially about the grandchildren's health.

Listening to...the morning news. ABC is reporting that Trump is done, his lawsuits are being tossed out everywhere, we need a smooth transition in the middle of the virus situation, etc. FOX reports that Trump tweeted that the lawsuits being dismissed all over the country are the lawsuits of individuals who witnessed fraud, that he and his team will be filing their big lawsuits very soon. It's like the news medias live in two different worlds. What a crazy, mixed-up world we are living in.

I need to...get busy and write Santa's letter to two of my grandnephews. Tim's sister, their NeNe, moved back in August and they have been very worried that Santa won't be able to find her. I have some very Santa-looking computer paper and official Santa's Workshop seals for the envelope. Hopefully, it will ease their fears.

Wondering...if we will be having Thanksgiving this year (and maybe even Christmas) with how widespread the virus is at the moment...and with the kids' condition in question now. Tim who has not been particularly careful and a big poo-poo'er of it all is now freaking out with fear it could keep him from work.

As for me, I'm more concerned we're heading toward another lockdown. I do not see how people are going to survive another one. States don't have the money for the extra unemployment payments. I worry the government doesn't have the funds for the stimulus. Businesses are closing daily as it is. On a more personal front, it is most likely going to delay our daughter's hysterectomy and therefore, my mom's knee replacement.

Praying...for all of these situations to be resolved and 2021 to be a much better year for all of us.

Thankful...that Tim put my new exercise bike together last night. I love it. It can be used either as an upright or a recumbent bike and also has bands to work the arms. It's not that big to begin with, but when not in use it can be folded up and moved out of the way. 

Sharing...the recipe for City Chicken that so many asked about on Saturday.
  • Pork. Stores here often have it packaged, but you can use pork loin cut into 1-2 inch cubes.
  • Wooden 6-inch skewers.
  • Bread crumbs
  • 1 stick of butter, melted
  • 1 or 2 chicken bullion cubes
  • water
Place pork on skewers, filling skewer. Roll skewers in melted butter and then in bread crumbs.
Brown in deep-dish skillet over medium heat.
Meanwhile dissolve bullion cubes in 3/4 cup - 2 cups water. (Adjust the amount of water and number of bullion cubes according to your taste and how much juice you want to have to ladle over everything when serving.)
When meat skewers are browned on all sides, pour the broth over the meat. Lower the heat, cover the skillet, and simmer for 1 hour.

We eat it served with egg noodles and ladle the "sauce" over everything. It's very simple and yummy. Comfort food at its best!

And because we can all use a laugh...

Things have changed!


He should. That would make it all
slightly better.

Me, trying on my new clothes.

It feels like it.

Sad truth.

Who me?


Leggings are pants. 
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Wine may very well be required to get us
through Thanksgiving this year.

I've got nothing to add.

Kinda scary that 2020 isn't over yet.

I'm olllllld!

Me as I get close to the end of Criminal Minds.


  1. The recipe sounds good. We've been substituting bread crumbs with crushed pork rinds (eating Keto). It is SO DELICIOUS that way! And low carb's.
    I'm not concerned about how things turn out anymore. Our Pastor said that maybe America is supposed to not be a Super Power before the Rapture. Who knows. God's in control anyway. We'll do what we can to hang on. I'm just thankful to have lots of guns, ammo, supplies and food. We're ready for whatever happens.
    Blessings. xx

  2. I hope you kids are okay Stacy. My son got it and he wore his mask. But he was at the post office one day and a lady in line was having a coughing fit and she only had a bandana on. 5 days later he got sick, got Covid pneumonia and was off work 5 weeks. He still fighting some fatigue but happy to be at work. No one else got sick in the family and my son stayed isolated for 3 weeks. He didn't want us to share anything until he was well. We took him home made soup each week and goodies for the kids to keep them busy. I share this with you to give you hope in case your kids do test positive. I will be praying for them.♥

  3. Enjoyed your post today with all the memes. The City Chicken sounds good.

  4. Needed those chuckles!
    How stinkin' cute are you to send that letter so the kiddos know Santa knows where they're at. That's precious.
    The COVID numbers are terrifying. I know so many countless people that have it now & that freaks me out even more... a few deaths from it too :(
    My husband is a big FOX news fan -me? no thank you. I tell him I think its strange ALL other news media stories align - except FOX News. I always sing "One of these things are not like the other"... granted, I trust zero of them, but when you have ONE that is total opposite spectrum, I think you have to be a little leery.
    Yeah, we've canceled our Thanksgiving plans & some of our family Christmas has already been canceled.... while its sad, I'd rather be safe.
    Hope your gang is OK & COVID free & feels better soon!

  5. You're so sweet to make those letters on behalf of Santa! Nice that's the only concern of littles. Save the scary virus and unemployment numbers for adults and just let them enjoy.
    Thanks for publishing this recipe. I read it to Tom last night and his eyes lit up at the mention of egg noodles. :)

  6. I really hope your kids and grandkids are ok.

  7. Prayers for your family.
    I am north of you and it is getting bad here.
    Stay safe and healthy.
    Love the MOrgan Freeman funny!

  8. Thank you for the city chicken recipe. I am going to have to try it. I've dreamed about city chicken since I was a little girl in PA. I remember my mother asking the butcher for it in Florida when we moved here and he looked at her like she was crazy. So we never had it again. Now I will try it. Loved all your memes. Funny. Praying for your kids that they are okay and that no one else gets it. Please take care of yourself and stay strong. We have pretty much quit watching the news as even our old "faithful" you know who seems to be turning the other direction just a bit. That is upsetting, but I try not to let it get me down. Just pray Pray Pray!!! God is in control...not any person or group of people...only God. And He will see us through no matter who is in the WH. Take care my friend.

  9. So City Chicken ain't chicken at all! Sounds good and thanks for the recipe! Thanks, too, for the giggles at the end. Stealing the last one to share on FB. Keep us posted about your hubby and the kids! xo

  10. I'd never thought City Chicken was actually pork. Now I feel so illiterate.


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