December 9, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge: A Little Holiday Spirit

1. What do you think it means to have the holiday spirit?  Hmm...cue the Jeopardy theme song while I think, will you? I think, as the Grinch finally concluded, that it isn't about presents or decorations or a big meal with all the special extras. It isn't about big, splashy productions, plays, or matter how magical they seem. It isn't about light displays that are visible from the space station. It's the love and goodwill that takes over at this time of the year and it's all because of one little baby boy, born in a manger, but celebrated by the angels in heaven and kings here on earth. It's because of one little baby who took his first breath...and nothing was ever the same again. 

2. What's one thing you've baked this month? Have you eaten the finished product? How much baking do you do around the holidays? What baked sweet something does your family insist is on the menu during this season of the year? I haven't baked a thing. Yet. That is on the list of things that must begin soon and yes, I will sample the goods. I do like, however, that I've found that when I do the baking it curbs my appetite for the sweets. I don't know why, but it's always been that way. We (my mom and I) usually do a lot of baking, but I don't know just how much will be done this year. One, Mom and I will not be baking together because she and my stepdad are keeping to themselves again since Covid is raging here in in PA. I also don't know how much I will ultimately decide to bake because we are expecting more mandates to come down from the governor today. I am sort of expecting that by the time Christmas gets here we won't be allowed to gather. The one thing the whole family insists on? The little bite sized nut, poppy seed, and apricot rolls Mom and I make. They may be disappointed this year. I've never tackled them on my own. 

3. Your most recent 'half-baked' idea?   Putting up the outside lights. They have been nothing but trouble this year and not all of them are lit up yet. At the rate we are going, Christmas will be here by the time they are all working. It's feeling a bit like Clark Griswold and the lights in Christmas Vacation.

4. Where were you the last time you 'baked' in the sun? The top ten sunniest destinations in the world (most sun from January-December according to this site) are Dubai, Bali Indonesia, Los Angeles CA, Miami FL, Barbados, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, Mauritius, Antiqua, and the Canary Islands Spain. Have you been to any of the cities listed? Which one on the list appeals to you the most? If the world were not upside down crazy and you could lie on a beach anywhere right now where would you go?   I don't know if it qualifies as actually "baking" but it was in our own backyard. I managed to squeak in a couple of days in the pool this summer (after it was finally installed in August) before the weather turned cool and ended it. Of the places on the list, I'm thinking Spain. I find myself intrigued by it these days.

5. Today I wish I had more _____________________.  Energy. Two and a half weeks until Christmas. There's a lot to do!

6. Insert your own random thought here. Have you ever heard of laminin? It's a structural protein in the human body. It does lots of things, but one of the biggies is that it binds with other molecules. Basically, it's glue. It holds things together. It looks like this:

It's diagramed like this:

It looks like a cross and it's the cellular glue that holds us together. Why is that significant? Because Colossians 1:15-17 says:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Christ created all things. He is what holds all of creation together. Coincidence that the glue that holds our cells together looks like a cross? I don't think so. Our God reveals himself in all of creation. 


  1. Lou Giglio has a great message about laminin, it's on you tube if you're interested. LAMININ ~ WoW

    1. Thank you, Mary. I'll have to look that up.

  2. Yes, He most certainly does. Love your random.

  3. Fantastic random! Thank you for sharing that. So many tiny miracles in the story of creation. We're in SC and our governor is not inclined to lock down or issue any extreme restrictions. We have a wedding in January so I am praying things calm down and that he continues to allow gatherings. We are well under 1/4 of the venue capacity and there is heated outdoor space as well so I feel fine about that myself. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Good luck with the rolls..I love anything apricot.

    1. Oh my...I will add my prayers that your wedding can go off without a hitch! We are getting nervous here that we may end up facing another shutdown. Thousands test positive daily, hospitals are near capacity...

  4. We are in Alabama and our Governor extended our mask wearing for six more weeks and for that I am very thankful. Covid is rampant in Alabama. I don't know that she plans to shut anything else down. I would love to hear more about your family's favorite nut, poppy seed, and apricot treats!! Picture? Recipe?

    1. We were one of the most strictly shutdown states back in the spring and among the last to ease restrictions. Now cases are rising at a ridiculous rate. Our governor never lifted the mask rule, but many people didn't follow the rule...some not ever, some after restrictions on going out and gathering eased. About the rolls, I'll have to see if I can get my hands on the recipe. My mom has it, I think. We made them at her house last. They are very good, more like a pastry than the big ones that I always think of as more like bread.

  5. know how NY is going...sigh...never ending. I think the struggle for Christmas spirit is real for a lot of folks. sigh.

    Thank you for the random thought, I never knew that, smiles.

    1. I agree. I think that's why so many are going big and why they went EARLY this year. We need some brightness and joy.

  6. I love that about the cross. I've seen that before. Same with the middle of the center of the universe - love where you see touches of God in creation.

    I gotta get to baking soon... why? just for the fun of it :)

    1. It's so cool, isn't it? I've seen so many little things in nature or even just the complexity of it. I don't know how anyone can think it all just happened by accident.

  7. I love your response to #1 .... but the random's given me goosebumps. What a lovely thought!

  8. Oh that Laminin story is wonderful! I've heard it before, but had forgotten about it. Thank you for sharing it with us. I love it. I haven't started any baking yet either. Too soon. I still have get my shopping done. Finally have the tree up. Shopping is the next big thing on my agenda. Then, if there is any time/energy left, there will be baking. One day at a time. Praying you can do your family baking as per usual. I just can't let the covid grinch spoil Christmas! Praying for you all to stay safe.

    1. Thankfully, I made a good dent in my shopping this past weekend and into this week. I don't have too much more to do. Yay! Megan and I are starting the candy making process tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. It really is crazy up here. Tim has 7 guys off work in quarantine until they get negative test results...all because one man who was sick, knew his son and his son's girlfriend had covid, and knew he'd been exposed, and he still came to work....and LAUGHED about it.

  9. I don't think I've heard the Laminin story before. I know Christ created all things and holds them together. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge thoughts! Blessings...

    1. Hi Ellen, I hadn't heard the story before last week, either. I was surprised because when you Google it, there is all kinds of stuff about it. Snopes even checked it out and said it isn't proof of a creator. LOL

  10. I have seen the Laminin story before and it always gives me goose bumps! Awesome. Another fun Hodgepodge! I'm sorry things are closing down there again. So far, we are open here in FL. Stay well!!

    1. Thanks, Terri. The good news? No new mandates today. Instead, an announcement that the governor has tested positive, but is symptom-free.

  11. Your random answer is interesting. Laminin--I'll have to look it up.
    And #1--one little baby born in a manger.
    Have a good and safe week!

    1. Hi, Willow! Do look it up. It's really pretty cool.


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