January 29, 2021

Friday Fragments

Happy Friday! It's a balmy 19 degrees with snow flurries here in the ridges of southwest PA. The windchill factor makes it feel like 9 degrees. Don't you wish you were here? 

Lots of things rolling around in my head today. None big enough to stand alone. Fragments, really. So I'm clearing my head and sharing them with you.

On the agenda:

Household drudgeries chores; running to the store for a birthday present and snacks; picking up a new prescription; trying to get my hubby scheduled for an appointment with our PCP; and game night with my friends from Bible study.


Phil Robertson's latest book, Jesus Politics: How to Win Back the Soul of America.

From the dust jacket.

"Exploring the problems facing our country and how Jesus would respond to each, Robertson offers a kingdom manifesto, showing us how to help bring the kingdom of heaven to our homes, neighborhoods, churches, communities, and country. "Jesus Politics" is a challenge for us to use our time, talents, resources, influence, and votes to protect and advance the policies of King Jesus. In doing so, we can win the battle for the soul of America and become a nation that can truly proclaim, "In the King we trust."


Swamp People on the History Channel. It's crazy (and kind of horrifying) how many non-native creatures have taken up residence in the Florida Everglades. You hear about the snakes, the boas and pythons that people either let go because they couldn't handle them as pets or that were released when hurricanes hit and destroyed homes and facilities. You don't hear so much about the monitor lizards and other creepy crawlies. Apparently the lizards are the next biggest problem after the snakes. These creatures aren't meant to be in the Everglades and they are destroying the native ecosystem. 

The snake hunters, while totally NUTS in my opinion, serve a very much needed purpose. The snakes, for example, are so invasive that they will probably never be totally wiped out. The hunting can at least keep the population somewhat under control and give native wildlife a fighting chance.

Thinking about:

The message I've been getting from everything I am reading and studying lately. From the Bible, to my Bible study classes, to the devotionals I use, to Phil Robertson's book...all of them are speaking to the need of the Christian to be a light in the world, to reflect God's glory to everyone around us. I'm pondering on and praying about ways to be more intentional, more purposeful in doing so. Just being in a positive mood and talking about my faith isn't enough.

If you get the chance, you should watch this video.

Now I am off to get some things done!


  1. I'm a native Floridian. South Florida especially is totally messed up eco-wise in many respects. There's a whole bunch of non-native plants & trees in Florida now. They are Australian Pine, Brazilian Pepper, Camphor, Melaleuca and Tree Bamboo, just to name a few. It's changed the whole landscape there. Very sad to see it.
    I put Jonathan Cahn's video on my timeline at FakeBook. Waiting to be banned again by the Nazi's there ... 3 - 2 - 1 ...
    Love In Christ xx

    1. I shared it on Facebook yesterday. Nothing. No censoring or fact checking. How are they gonna fact check prophecy until it comes true? lol

  2. Thank you for this excellent post. We are to be lights in this world of darkness, in any way the Lord gives us wisdom and ability. Our blogs is one way, but I find that most of our friends are already in the same "camp" with us. Facebook is a difficult place to do much, but I am trying to keep putting Christ out there front and center and stay away from politics. Once in a while I can't help myself, but I pray God will be glorified above all else. Live for Jesus in our homes and families and community, and God will honor that. Thank you for these thoughts today. Jesus is coming soon...that I believe is becoming more apparent every day. Keep looking up!!

  3. Cold up here too! We are supposed to get some snow on Sunday. Stay warm!

  4. Great post, Stacy! We watch Swamp People too, both the gators and the Everglades series. They are crazy, for sure! I so agree with you that we do need to be a light and a beacon as Christians. Not always easy, but necessary! Happy weekend!!

  5. LIving around snakes that can smother me to death sounds like a version of hell.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes