July 17, 2021

Saturday 9: Purple People Eater

Saturday 9: Purple People Eater

Unfamiliar with this song? Hear it here.

1) When actor Sheb Wooley brought this song to MGM Records, they initially rejected it, saying it just wasn't the kind of thing they wanted to be associated with. Then executives discovered how popular the audition recording was with the 20-somethings in the office. MGM released it after all and it became a #1 hit. Tell us about a time you were glad you changed your mind about something.  I am drawing a total blank on anything of importance this morning.

2) This song has been so enduringly popular that in the 1970s, the Minnesota Vikings defensive line referred to themselves as the Purple People Eaters. What football team do you root for?  The Pittsburgh Steelers, of course! I've been a fan all my life.

3) The song was initially inspired by Sputnik, the satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1958. In the 21st century, do you think space exploration is a worthwhile public investment? Or would you prefer  governments spend that money here on earth?  I'm sure it's worthwhile in many ways, but I would prefer the money was spent on solving some of the problems we have here on earth. How many hungry people could that money feed? How many homeless could it house? How many children could have a better start in life?

4) The Purple People Eater is a visitor from another planet. When you imagine creatures from outer space, are they frightening or friendly?  I really don't know. If they are out there (and in light of the vastness of the universe, I'd guess that they are) there are a lot of possibilities. I'm sure they have the same capacity for good and evil that we do.

5) This record was the biggest hit Sheb Wooley ever had. He was better known as an actor, costarring with Clint Eastwood on the 1950s TV show, Rawhide. What's your favorite Clint Eastwood movie?  I can't decide. I've always liked Clint. Top contenders would be Any Which Way But Loose, Grand Torino, Two Mules for Sister Sara, Space Cowboys, and Paint Your Wagon. 

6) Sheb and Clint remained buddies and appeared together decades later in The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976). Tell us about one of your longest-lasting friendships.  Sadly, I'm not good at friendships that last forever. They don't end badly, they just seem to fizzle out after a time...when circumstances change or we don't see each other much. 

I guess the closest I come to a life-long friend is Dana. We were practically joined at the hip all the way through high school, but I went off to college and then got married and moved out of state. We both live in the old neighborhood now, just two houses apart, and we're friendly but not really good friends. We both went on with our lives when I moved away and while we make noises about doing more together, we never do.

7) In 1958, when this song was popular, hula hoops were a national craze. Did you ever play with a hula hoop?  Yes, I did. If yes, were you good at it?  I could do it around my waist, but I was always better at doing it around my knees, on one leg, my neck, etc.

8) Also in 1958, Arnold Palmer won his first Masters Golf Tournament. When did you most recently play golf?  That would have been in college. So...37 or 38 years ago. As an aside, I live in Arnold Palmer's hometown and my dad knew him growing up. He wasn't a fan.

9) Random question: Do you believe women gossip more than men?  No. I think men often gossip just as much, if not more than women. It's just that they do it differently from women.

Thanks, as always, to Sam @ Saturday 9 for the music and questions!


  1. #5 I forgot that Eastwood was in Paint Your Wagon.
    #6 Same here we grew apart once they started families.
    #8 We have the PGA Greater Hartford Open in the next town over, I tried to avoid it like the plague. Traffic is a nightmare!

  2. I remember this song quite well. Still sing it ever so often when I'm feeling crazy. Good answers. I am better friends with people here and on Facebook than I am with people in real life it seems. People are busy with their own families/work/whatever, and it's hard to maintain close friendships. However, that being said, when I get the chance to be with an "old friend", it's like we never skipped a beat. We just don't get to be together that often anymore. And since we've retired, I don't have much time for cultivating friendships as then hubby feels left out...so there you go...But I'm thankful I have him with me. I wouldn't want to change that for anything or anyone.

  3. I think your answer to #4 is perfect.

    I didn't know hula hooping around the knees or the leg were a thing!

  4. Wow, you're the hula hoop champ on Sat 9 so far!

  5. I like your answer about aliens. I agree totally.

  6. Fun questions and interesting to read about Eastwood movies and hula hoops! Have a great weekend, Stacy!! xo

  7. I forgot about Space Cowboys. Really didn’t like Paint Your Wagon.

  8. When I learned about football it was during the height of the Steelers domination and they will always be a favorite team.

  9. Good on your with the hula hoop! I always wanted to be good at it, I am just not.
    I think men gossip more too. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.


  10. Such a silly song isn't it?! Back when music was fun. Another humorous one was "Brand New Key".
    Enjoyed your answers.
    Blessings. xx

  11. Believe me, men are the worse at gossiping; I work for / and with men and they are just silly little boys ((grin)). I often say, "CHILDREN! YOUR JUST AWFUL!" And I get in return, "Listen Linda."---its never ending with them, lol.

    I hope you have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  12. Enjoyed these questions and your answers. I work mostly with men and they definitely gossip just as much as women.


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