October 2, 2021

Sunday Stealing: From Facebook


Stolen from Facebook

1. Do you like bleu cheese?  Ew. No.

2. Coke or Pepsi?  Coke. Diet. Or Zero in a pinch.

3. Do you own a gun?  Several

4. Hot dogs or cheeseburgers?  Usually cheeseburgers, but sometimes only a really good beef hotdog will do. 

5. Favorite type of food?  Seafood...specifically shellfish.

6. What do you drink in the morning?  Diet Coke. I don't like coffee. I need caffeine.

7. Can you do a 100 pushups?  That would be a hard "no."

8. Tattoos?  One on my ankle. I got it for my 45th birthday. It isn't nearly as bright these days. It was done by a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and has 17 colors in it.

9. Do you wear glasses?  Only from the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I lay down for the night.

10. Phobia?  Snakes and sharks. Lucky me...I'm taking a client to see Venom after church. Yay... 

11. Piercings?  Three in my left ear and one in the right.

12. Can you whistle?  I used to be able to manage a small whistle, but I haven't been able to whistle for years.

13. Surgeries?  I've had my gallbladder removed, a cone biopsy of the cervix, and my tubes tied.

14. Like gambling?  It's okay. I can take $20 to the casino and be done and walk away when it's gone.

15. Do you like to dance?  Not like I did when I was young, skinny, and my feet weren't flat.

Play along here!


  1. Mrs PM is allergic to shellfish I don't eat it, out of support.

    Same for me with the old spectacles.

    I guess I'm scared of sharks but you just don't see them ever in and around the UK.




  2. I wish I could do seafood... it doesn't like me! And I am with you on the bleu cheese ...ewww

    Happy Sunday!

  3. I did not participate in this, simply did not like some of the questions (#3) to which I giggled over your answer (how truthful because I was thinking the same thing but I was going to say NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, LOL)---have a great day friend. smiles

  4. Shellfish …I had shrimp for dinner last night. Yummy.

  5. Do I own a gun? Maybe.
    Can you take your smart phone in the theater and scroll social media during the movie? I can't handle even seeing snakes on TV.

  6. I have three piercings in my left ear and two in my right ear. My college roommates and I all did that. It must have been a thing then.
    I also have a soda in the morning. I hate coffee. I like the way it smells, but that is it. I think it tastes horrible. Loved your answers. Have a great day!


  7. Now I am wondering how you liked the movie. Thanks for your concern yesterday. I will be ok. I always am.

  8. Oh--my earrings are in opposite ears: three in the right, one in the left!

  9. Fun questions this week. I enjoyed your answers and your tattoo is very pretty. I had no idea they could do that many colors! How was the movie? Have a blessed week ahead! xo


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