November 8, 2021


The sun is shining and at 65 degrees it feels more like September than the 8th of November. I don't think I ever remember us cutting the grass in November before, but here we are. It's supposed to be nice for a few days this week. Indian Summer?

I'm listening to... Jasper purr in my ear (he likes to sleep on my shoulder) and from somewhere in the neighborhood I can hear the buzz of a mower. 

I'm reading... No Ordinary Christmas: A Mistletoe, Maine Novel by Belle Calhoune. Local boy-turned-Hollywood-star, Dante West, is coming home to make his next movie in Mistletoe and everyone in town is excited...except the town's librarian, Lucy Marshall. When Dante took off for Hollywood without warning or even a goodbye, he broke Lucy's heart. Dante is eager to help boost his hometown's economy and to finally start making amends to the people he hurt when he left. Can the magic of Christmas help him do that with Lucy?

I'm watching... Hallmark Christmas movies, of course! And also a lot of the other shows streaming on frndly TV. Tim's enjoying the old cop and cowboy shows and I've been watching Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy, We Bought the Farm, and Mountain Mama's.

I'm celebrating... a negative result on my Covid test!

I'm worrying about... our daughter and her husband and, of course, the grandchildren. It seemed Megan and Cody were on the mend, but today they seem worse again. A neighbor who seems to have had it in the same way they do said her doctor told her to expect it to take up to 6 weeks to recover. I am praying Cody is able to return to work next week. They really can't afford for him to be off as long as he has been, let alone longer. 

I worry about Colton and Leah, too. When the kids seemed to be on the upswing, I sent the little ones home because Colt was pretty congested and doing a lot of coughing. Now that I've had a negative test, I don't want to risk getting sick. I will if Megan and Cody absolutely can't manage, but so far they are doing okay. 

I had fun... watching Colton and Leah play in the leaves yesterday. Tim was cleaning up the leaves in Mom's yard. They must have seen him and came out to play (we stayed socially distanced, but oh, was it hard). Tim used the leaf blower to pile the leaves up for them and they had a ball!

I'm enjoying... Jasper. Now that Daisy has quit barking at him non-stop and the kids haven't been chasing him, he's coming into his own and making himself at home. That usually means he's either harassing Daisy, crawling up something he's not supposed to be crawling up with his claws, or cuddled up on or beside me. A cat tree was delivered today. I'm hoping that draws his attention away from the furniture and curtains. Little stinker! I'd be mad at him, but he's so darn cute. His stripes are starting to come out more, too.

I'm cooking... lots of easy comfort foods. With everyone sick or busy and stressed it's been the way to go. Soups, casseroles, pierogies, etc.

Making me laugh... 

You can have your coffee and be buried in the can!

True of most men with most sicknesses.

Now that's the truth.

Yep. I would be Baby in Dirty Dancing walking into the party and saying "I carried a watermelon" when introduced to the hot guy.

True, but I'm more interested in a world where there are no snakes because they eat themselves. That is my kind of place! Snakes...ewww!


  1. Hello! Prayers for your daughter and her hubby, my friend. It is quite warm here as well. We just went for a short walk, and it felt like early autumn. Dark now at 5:30 so I know it is November! Have a cozy evening.

  2. Sure hope Covid clears out soon so the kids and kiddos are well again! Glad you tested negative. Always a comfort! Have a blessed week! xo

  3. I hope everyone is soon over Covid. And I hope you remain negative!

  4. Glad you got a negative Covid test. I hope that Leah and Colton are on the mend soon.

  5. If you can sprinkle some catnip on the cat tree, that will help. Hang onto the box, too. Often cats love those boxes better than what came inside, and it could distract him from the curtains.

    Six weeks? That's how long it took me to get better after covid. But everyone is different. As my doctor kept (patiently) telling me, "It's not like I can look up data from the coronavirus breakout of 2002." We've never been here before and predictions are sometimes going to be unreliable. I hope your family proves them wrong.

  6. Continuing in prayer for your family to get well and back to normal soon. This virus is a mean old thing, and it does seem to tax the body's energies for a while, according to our kids who had it. But thankfully they bounced back pretty quickly after having the antibodies infusion. I just don't understand why that isn't readily available everywhere. They've made it a political hot potato rather than trying to save lives. Makes no sense at all. Anyway, praying that God is at work in their bodies, restoring and renewing and healing them day by day. Love Jasper...such a handsome young man!! I was sorely tempted to get a kitten a week ago at the flea market where a lady had 4 of them ready to go. But I resisted the temptation when I thought about vet bills, kitty litter boxes, etc, etc. I know the joys outweigh the burdens, but right now I don't think I need any more kinds of new stresses or such joys. LOL. Happy for you to have him, however. I can enjoy your kitten vicariously! Happy to see the little ones playing in the leaves! That is a child's happy place! This big child would enjoy it too, if we had any to play in! LOL. Please take care and everyone get well soon an enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Okay, I really shouldn't laugh so hard about the coffee can. I need to share that with my friends at the funeral home.
    So glad you tested negative! Oh, and the step-siblings (fur babies) are learning to get along. Lifting prayers that Megan and Cody are feeling stronger today!

  8. Glad you got a negative test.
    Yep - COVID gets better & then backslides.. .thats one of the many fun things about it ... sigh...
    Funny fact with that coffee meme... a friend, her dad was creamated - & I dont know how or why, he ended up in a macaroni salad container from the grocery - LOL - I think because they took his ashes & spread them out in all his favorite places. The story goes, my friend left it on the counter because they had just returned from one of the spots & someone went to get it, thinking it was really macaroni salad - LOL

  9. Hi Stacy, glad your test came back negative. I had a friend that tested negative and got worse and tested two days later it was positive. This virus is mean. Praying your family all gets better. Love the grands picture. Your kitty is very pretty!

  10. Stacy! I loved reading this post...and catching up a bit. So many smiles this brought the random plethora of thoughts and life snippets here...brings me back to the good old early blogging days...sending you hugs, and bountiful blessings for the season of Thanksgiving....and all the Christmas yesssssssssssssss. Love your new (?) kitty? Congrats. So cute. Stay well, my friend!


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Moving Day

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