November 12, 2021

It's Been a Week


Sorry. My cute little kitty has no sense of time. He's been waking me up every morning when Tim gets up (3:30-4:30) to eat and to play, in that order. Last night he added a bonus wake up at around 1:30. He needed a little something in his tummy...and I do mean "little." By the time I went to the bathroom and came back to bed the stinker was already there, curled up and purring. 

I didn't work again this week because of our daughter and son-in-law being down with Covid. On Tuesday I took Megan to the ER because she'd been up all night throwing up and called me crying first thing in the morning. They kept her a couple of hours and gave her something for the nausea and two bags of fluids. Basically, they said "You have Covid and you're going to feel like crap." Nice. And a forerunner of things to come. She came home feeling as awful as when she went and still nauseated. 

Don't worry, I was double masked, gloved, and drove with the windows down. I also took my can of microban and hand sanitizer with me. I now need to clean my car because of the film from the microban.

Wednesday started with Megan calling in tears first thing. She wanted me to take her to the ER again. After the previous day's total lack of help or compassion, I suggested she wait until 8:00 and call her doctor or Med Express and ask them what they thought. 

I don't know if she did that or if she skipped straight to having her husband drive her to the ER. I didn't know she was there until after 3:00 in the afternoon when I finally called her husband after not being able to reach her all day. When he said he'd heard nothing from her I got worried because she normally calls and/or texts frequently when she is at the ER. 

It took forever to get through to someone in the ER. When I did, I was told she was resting comfortably and had been. They were just waiting for results from her CT-scan and then she would probably be released. 

It wasn't long after that Megan called and asked me to come and get her. Masked, gloved, and armed with Microban and sanitizer I went to pick her up. And that's when she told me how they treated her. Let's just say it was mean and abusive and stripped her of her dignity. I looked up and gave her the number for the hospital's administration offices and for the state department of public health and told her she needs to report it all. There is no way the people who treated her the way they did need to be caring for patients. I don't care how tired or stressed or overworked they were (and I'm not sure they were), there is NO excuse for treating a patient they way they treated her. I would tell you about it, but she would be humiliated.

But back to her health, they said she had some mild pneumonia in her lungs and they did, at least call in a prescription for Zofran to combat the nausea. 

Yesterday she begged me to keep the kids so she and her husband could rest. I love the kids, but given the circumstances, wasn't thrilled. I did keep them all day, though. Only to find out that rather than rest, she got her husband to help her put up the Christmas tree and decorate inside the house. She posted on Facebook that she's nauseous again and has a lot of back pain. She did not call me crying this morning. Smart girl.

Anyway, even though the two of them still feel like crud I guess we are done with the quarantine. The latest guidelines are that once you test positive you quarantine for 10 days and then if you don't have a fever you can return to normal activities. Apparently they say you aren't contagious at that point. I thought you need a negative test to prove you were better, but my niece, who works in administration at a nursing home, said that's not so because once you have had it, you could get a positive reading for up to 90 days afterward. 

Seems crazy to me, but I am glad our son-in-law can go back to work. His being off has really put them in a spot. He has tried to file for unemployment, but all of the state's websites are reading error messages and when he called they told him to go online, but did put him on a list for a call-back. It's going to be something like a month before it's his turn for a call!

Other than dealing with all of that, I've been at home reading, watching movies, organizing a few things, catching up on laundry. Very exciting stuff. I'm looking forward to going back to work.

Oh, Tim told me last night that the soil on his current project is contaminated. Apparently, he and a couple of other people have been having mild sore throats and headaches since they dug up a tank full of some unknown fluid. I guess it leeched into the soil over the years. People from the Environmental Protection Agency are supposed to be coming today so he'll know more then, I guess. So far he only knows a couple of the things found in the soil...and one of them was mercury. Nice.

And Mom told me yesterday that she and my stepdad are not coming for Thanksgiving. I get it, but it still stinks. I am so over Covid.


  1. I still don't understand why they didn't give your kids the antibodies infusion treatment. They could have been better so much sooner. That is just criminal in my mind. They are punishing people for getting sick. Yes, definitely that ER should be reported for the inhumane treatment. I am glad they are finally getting better, but I just think a lot of that could have been avoided if these doctors and hospitals were allowed to treat the illness instead of waiting until they are half dead to do something for them...I am so over this whole thankful your family is getting better. Thanksgiving may be different for a lot of people again this year, which is sad. (((hugs))) to you and yours.

  2. So sorry your family feels so bad. Yeah, I don't understand either why they don't give the infusion. It's wicked and criminal how politics is controlling all this. And for goodness sake don't let them put anyone on a vent. Everyone I know that's had that done doesn't make it or it takes super long to ever get better.
    Y'all be safe.
    Prayers & Blessings. xx

  3. grrrrrr....ohhhhhhhh....I am going to email you and tell the real story on what happened to me. I am so sorry Stacy, sending lots of love and hugs.

  4. Oh man... all of it - just sucks!!! I'm glad you took precautions to try & not get it too. After knowing how badly I felt with it, I do sympathize with your daughter but glad she wasnt bad enough to be kept in the hospital. & I get hospital staff is so overwhelmed right now but there is ZERO excuse to not give patients just normal care & compassion. People are there sick. How are you going to treat people poorly? UGHHH.

    Sounds like you need some time to recover & relax!!!Hoping you get some of that soon my friend!

  5. Antibody treatment and Remdesivir is SUPER expensive - like $20,000 for a dose. I sure am glad you got the vaccine, Stacy, so that if you end up with Covid, you will (hopefully) be OK. Prayers for healing of all. I think the health care providers are tired of people not taking Covid seriously. Just my take. No one should be mistreated. So sorry that happened. I hope next week is much better for all.

  6. So sorry Stacy. Sorry for the sickness and for the way your daughter was treated.I hope you get some time to rest and recover yourself. Hugs!

  7. i left you a long comment and poof! It disappeared. If this is a duplicate, I apologize. ANYWAY ...

    I'm so sorry this has happened to your family. It makes me realize how lucky I was when I had covid (yeah, lucky me) that I had a sensitive, attentive doctor I trusted. She told me then the treatments for the respiratory symptoms aren't always recommended for the gastrointestinal symptoms (like I had). And remember when some said Remdesivir was evil and we should all take hydroxycholorine? It's dangerous to take advice from online friends (including me) or politicized news sites. I hope your family gets the compassionate care they need/deserve from a doctor they trust.

    I smiled when I read "smart girl" because you sounded just like my mother. My mom had the world's longest fuse but I could push her too far. When that happened, the wisest course was to stay out of sight.

  8. That's awful the way they treated your daughter. They should have started the infusion as soon as she tested positive. What's going on up there? Yes to being over covid. Enough is enough. Keep us posted, Stacy. Prayers being lifted. xo

  9. Hope that your daughter and her family are all perfectly well in record time. Glad you have had the vaccine. Hope your hubby only got a corner of what ever it was, and not enough to truly hurt him.


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Moving Day

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