February 14, 2022


In my neck of the woods...

The weather is a frosty 15* with clouds. No snow in the forecast and a high of only 24* today. Most of the old snow and ice is finally gone...only some large piles made by plowing remain. We did get a light dusting overnight.

I'm reading Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage: A Christian Woman's Guide to Hidden Emotional and Spiritual Abuse by Natalie Hoffman.

I finished reading Murder as a Second Language by Joan Hess.

I'm celebrating Valentine's Day, of course! Tim is coming home earlier than usual today and we are going out to dinner at a popular local Italian restaurant. I will also see the kiddos at some point. I have little Valentine's bags for them.

I'm thinking about so much stuff!

**The little girl who stayed with our daughter's family last week. Her father did finally come and get her late Friday night to spend the weekend with her...though no one really believes he paid that much attention to her.

If (and that's a big if with his health and mental state) he went to work last night, he had to bring the girl back to either his mom or Megan. Since he has refused to answer calls or texts from Megan or Cody it was probably his mom. Megan expects to get her back today, however, even though no communication with the father. I had told her last week I didn't think she should have nagged the guy to take her for the weekend...Megan is trying so hard to believe and push him into be a good father. Sometimes that just isn't the case. She says if she gets her back this week she isn't going to call or text at all...just wait to see how long it takes him to ask about his daughter or to come see her. It will be better for the girl. She did not want to go home with her father and she was so happy and thriving with Megan and Cody.

**My head is still spinning from my church's marriage conference this past Saturday. I was on the planning committee so it was a busy day (and night before) for me. It was a great day! We had a good crowd, yummy food, generous prizes, and excellent speakers.

We had everyone from a couple married for 52 years, to newly engaged couples, to single people, to one going through divorce. There was something for everyone and as the singles and the divorced one said, they were hoping to learn how to do things right if they get married in the future.

Megan and Cody went and they were surprised. Everything the speakers talked about resonated with them and their situation. When we broke for lunch, they stayed talking to the speakers for at least 20 minutes! The only thing Cody struggled with was how friendly and nice everyone was. lol What a great problem, right? Seriously though, he is very shy or has social anxiety so it was a bit overwhelming for him. I think that was a good thing. He was raised in a pretty closed off, dysfunctional family. Seeing what warm, friendly Christians are like  ('cause you know not all of us are and those who aren't are the ones coloring the world's opinion of all of us) was a blessing. He and Megan both seemed amazed by it.

I only heard one sad story from the whole thing. One woman had invited a young woman she works with who was newly engaged. On Friday the woman was very excited about her fiancee coming home from working out of state. She called at the last minute Saturday morning to cancel. Apparently, the fiancee only came home to break up with her. On Valentine's weekend. Ouch.

Work isn't happening today. My client sent a text last night saying he didn't have any money this week. I asked if he wanted to hang out or do something that didn't cost money, but he opted to wait until next week. I'm pretty much okay with the bonus free day. 

I'm feeling relaxed, happy, and content.

I'm focused on today's to-do list. Valentine's cards and gifts to deliver, time slips to turn in, a messy desk to clear off, a wedding rsvp to return, and dinner to get ready for.

A quote to share:


  1. I am glad your marriage conference turned out well! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Glad that marriage conference went so well! But OUCHHH for that one lady - dang it. But cool to see all the ages there. Especially your kids
    Enjoy your Valentine's dinner tonight!!!

  3. 15*!? Wow. That's cold. We have a high of 61*. The sun is shining. It's so pretty and nice.
    Christian based marriage conference and counseling is the best. God's word always helps direct us how to live. I think the most important thing for couples to remember is to be kind and forgiving, as long as it's not about criminal activity or abuse. Then, especially if there's kids, they need to get themselves and the kids outta that situation pronto.
    I'm staying busy today cleaning house, grocery shopping, etc. I am shocked at how much paper products are now! We may have to start using tree leaves for personal hygiene if this keeps up.
    Sending Love & Prayers xx

  4. Cold up here today too! Jeesh! Italian dinner out sounds amazing. Enjoy!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Hi Stacy. So glad the marriage conference was such a success and that your daughter and son-in-law enjoyed it. I love the quote you have at the end. Wow, that really resonates with me. I hope things work out with the little girl, but I will tell you that situation really sounds like what happened to my older (half) sister many years back. Long story short, our birth mother abandoned her and her father (we don't have the same father) couldn't handle taking care of her, so he left her with the neighbors and just never came back. Ten years later the neighbors adopted her. I hope everything works out OK with the little girl. See you again soon.

  6. I like that quote. I hope you have a nice dinner at your Italian place and have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. The Marriage Conference sounds like a big success! So glad your daughter and her hubby went too. I didn't know that was going to happen, and I know you were thrilled! I am praying for them and the little girl situation. May God's will be done on behalf of this precious child... Also, sad for the girl with the broken engagement, but oh, the old saying is better a broken engagement than a broken marriage...but STILL, that hurts SO bad! Saying a little prayer for her right now as I am sure she is hurting. Hope you and Tim had a wonderful evening tonight! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!

  8. I'm so glad the conference turned out so well. It's so sad reading about that little girl. I hope all will turn out well for her. Take care and I hope you have a great week.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes