February 16, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Thursday has rolled around again. Is it just me or does it seem like the weeks are getting shorter? I mean, wasn't it just Thursday a couple of days ago? Well, time warps, wrinkles in the space-time continuum and the rest aside, I'm linking up with Rebecca Jo for Thankful Thursday.

Perfect timing. My Monday client texted me Sunday evening. He cancelled for this week because he didn't have any money. Today I got a call from my employer letting me know that he has Covid (he woke up Monday morning feeling under the weather). His quarantine ends on the 22nd, next Tuesday. My week is full and each client has their time slot so I will not be able to see him again until the following week. Plenty of time to make sure he is no longer contagious. 

My daughter's niece is back.  To everyone's surprise (and relief) our son-in-law's brother returned his little girl to my daughter's care. I was there when he brought her back. She was sooooo happy to be back. They were just in time for her to receive her Valentine's Day gift from Tim and I and from our daughter and her husband. One can't help but wonder what was going through his head as he watched her excitement at being back, getting gifts (he totally neglected Valentine's Day), and calling me Nanny. We all kept trying to encourage her to show her gifts to her dad, but she wasn't having it. She could not have cared less about him. He made her come over so he could say goodbye. She was not interested and he hasn't come back to visit her or called her. Nothing. Our daughter and her husband have decided they will not call and pester him to visit or take her on the weekends. If he comes, he comes...but who knows if he will.

Hope.  My daughter told me she is at least thinking about giving my church a try and that she was talking to a friend who said if she does, she just might come with her.

Surprises.  We were into the first song at church this past Sunday when someone slipped into the chair beside me and said "hi!" I was so surprised it took me a second to realize it was a friend of mine from high school. I had told her about the marriage conference and she had asked me about the church. I had no idea she was searching for a church or that she'd be visiting.

The marriage conference.  It was a huge success and everyone who attended expressed how much they enjoyed it and how much they learned. We are hoping seeds were planted among those who were not believers.

My Valentine.  My sweet husband's planning ahead this year to take me out to a popular Italian restaurant...one that reservations are very much needed for any time, let alone on Valentine's Day. We both chose to start with wedding soup and follow with the lasagna. Delicious! I even indulged in a "Sweetheart Sangria."

My silly cat.  This is how he chooses to spend nearly every evening.

I love that he's grown cuddly and actually likes me now. It's not exactly conducive to anything I'm trying to do, though. Especially since he's usually purring loudly in my ear and occasionally "making biscuits" or licking my chin or nibbling my ear.

Today's weather.  It was 60 degrees today. In Pennsylvania. In February.

And of course.


  1. Hi Stacy. I am glad your week is going well, that the marriage conference was a big success, and that your daughter's niece is back so she can be raised with love and kindness in your daughter's home. Sounds like dad is ill-equipped to raise the little girl. So sad. So glad you weren't with your client to get exposed to Covid. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Thanks, Deb! I am really glad I wasn't exposed, too.

  2. That poor little girl. I'm so thankful for those with the courage and love that can rescue children from what could be a bad situation. I feel like my second step-mother tried to do that for me but because she was so broken too, it was difficult for both of us. But, she made it better than it would have been without her. We should all do what we can to protect the innocent.
    I pray your daughter and her family and their friends turn their hearts to Christ and go to Church. It's wonderful having a Church family. We're not perfect (no one is) but it's so comforting having others prayer for me and share their knowledge of the Gospel. I appreciate them so much. I want to learn and grow to please God. May they yearn for this also. It's so rewarding.
    Sending Love & Prayers xx

    1. It makes me happy to hear someone tried to make things better for you. Every child should have at least one person like that in their lives. It's so sad that so often these days that is not the case. My heart just breaks when I hear some of the stories on the news...how people can do the things to children that they do. The enemy is certainly having a field day. You have a great outlook about church and your walk with the Lord. :)

  3. You know - maybe the 'dad' will see how happy the little girl is & do whats best for her. I love she calls you Nanny too - BTW, I'm Nanny to my grandkids too :)
    Look at you getting people to your church- so glad you found a good one!

    1. I hope that will be the case, but I have a feeling he leans more toward being like his mom...jealous enough to pull her away just for spite.

  4. My mother in law was also known as "Nanny" to all of the grandkids, and so we all called her that. Definitely a term of endearment, and I love that this sweet little girl is being accepted and loved in your family. I pray for her Dad to get his own life right, but I also pray he will see that his brother's family is much better for her. Praying for everyone involved. Oh, I am so excited that your daughter is thinking of coming to your church, and I pray eventually the whole family will go. The children certainly need to be in Sunday School, etc. I'm so happy the marriage conference was a success! And also that your friend came to visit! I love it when God brings people together like that. So many happy things here today. Praying for the one with Covid to get well soon. And your weather sounds just like ours was the other day. 60 for a high. Today will be a little warmer here...maybe 70 ish. Have a good week, and praise God for all these good things!!!

    1. My grandmother was "Nana," Tim's mom was "Nanny" to all of her grands, and I think 2 out of Tim's 5 sisters are also known as "Nanny." I really didn't care what the kids called me as long as it wasn't "Grandma." Our neighbor's granddaughter was one of Megan's buddies when they were kids so she was around a lot and all summer long I'd hear her nasally voice calling "Graaaaaandmaaaa!" I just knew I didn't want to be that. lol Thank you so much for your prayers for the situation with Megan's niece, for my client with covid, and for all the family when it comes to church. I appreciate it and you so much!!

  5. Hi Stacy! So glad to hear the father brought his daughter back. I hope she gets to stay too! Your Valentine's sounds good too. Praying your family gets to church. Our weather was in the low 60's too and last week we were in the 80's. I wrote my post early but the internet went down. It is up now with pictures. Have a great day!

    1. We are actually on the slide back into winter. This rain is bringing it back and the temperature is supposed to be a lot cooler tomorrow and Saturday before climbing back up to 50 on Sunday. Thank you for the prayers for the family. I appreciate them.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes