October 9, 2020

Just a Second

This comes from a book of writing prompts I have to spur the creative juices.

What can happen in a second?

A blink, a breath, a death.

A smile, a tear, a spark, a bolt of lightning.

A sigh, a revelation, a regret.

A chance meeting, a reversal of fortune, injustice, justice, mercy.

A decision, conviction, fear, forgiveness.

A laugh, a shrug, a hug.

An act of bravery, cowardice, love, hate, indifference.

A life, in comparison to God's eternity.


  1. Love this. I think the one that struck me the most was forgiveness. It really can happen in just a second and something we all need to do more. Forgiveness or at least shower grace on others as God did and continues to do for us.

    Also, the last sentence. Life is but just a second compared to eternity. Eternity...I can not even imagine. But I'm glad mine is in God's hands.

  2. This is so great! Thank you for sharing it today.

  3. Great poem Stacy! The first line got me. It made me think of my dad. Eternity with God!

  4. Excellent and that last one really hit home for me. Wow. Thanks, Stacy!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes